Browsing SVA - Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) by Title
Now showing items 416-435 of 507
Single, Dual, and Triple Use of Cigarettes, e-Cigarettes, and Snus among Adolescents in the Nordic Countries
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH);Volume 19 / Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-07)New tobacco and nicotine products have emerged on the market in recent years. Most research has concerned only one product at a time, usually e-cigarettes, while little is known about the multiple use of tobacco and nicotine ... -
Smittevern blant Oslo-ungdom under covid-19-pandemien
(Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening;Utgave 10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-16)Bakgrunn: Effektivt smittevern er avgjørende for å bekjempe covid-19-pandemien. Vi undersøkte om Oslo-ungdom rapporterte å overholde smittevernreglene under pandemien og om oppslutning om reglene var relatert til ... -
Smoking in early adulthood is prospectively associated with prescriptions of antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressantsand anxiolytics
(Psychological Medicine;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-15)Background. Whether smoking should be regarded as a risk factor for mental disorders remains unresolved. Prescribed psychotropic drugs can be used as indications for mental disorders. We investigated how smoking was ... -
Social Capital and Student Achievement: Exploring the Influence of Social Relationships on School Success in Norway and Romania
(Creative Education;6(15), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-04)This paper investigates student social relationships in secondary schools and its relationship with student achievement in Norway and Romania. Using data from national youth surveys (“Young in Norway 2010” for Norway and ... -
Social Citizenship, Inequality and Homeownership. Postwar Perspectives from the North of Europe
(Social Policy and Society;Published online 14 November 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this article, we analyse the social distribution of residential property in Norway post-1945 in light of the concept of social citizenship. Drawing on data from censuses and tax registers, we examine the social ... -
Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms?
(International Review for the Sociology of Sport;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-02)Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ... -
Social class differences in youths’ participation in organized sports: What are the mechanisms?
(International Review for the Sociology of Sport;2018(April 2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Despite several decades of Sport for All policies, social class differences in organized sports participation of youth persist. However, few population-based studies have examined how social class may influence adolescent ... -
Social Exclusion and Mental Wellbeing in Older Romanians
(Social Inclusion;Vol 7, No 3 (2019): Old-Age Exclusion, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-04)In Romania, inequalities in health and wellbeing between younger and older Romanians are substantial, and an important reason for inequalities may be the higher risk of social exclusion among older adults. After the fall ... -
Social generations in popular culture
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-13)Karl Mannheim’s concept of social generations has become incredibly influential and has been applied in ever-new ways for almost a century. With what seems to be renewed interest in it post-2000, there is reason to take a ... -
The Social Homeownership Model - the case of Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In Norway, mass home ownership has been an important part of social housing in the post-war period. Social housing became available to everybody and a great majority seized the opportunity. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) ... -
Social pathways to health: On the mediating role of the social network in the relation between socio-economic position and health
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Good health is one of the key qualities of life, but opportunities to be and remain healthy are unequally distributed across socio-economic groups. The beneficial health effects of the social network are well known. However, ... -
The Social Support - Health Link Unraveled: Pathways Linking Social Support to Functional Capacity in Later Life
(Journal of Aging and Health;Vol 32, Issue 7-8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-15)Objective: Despite evidence that social support is strongly related to health, very little is known about the mechanisms underlying this association. This study investigates whether physical activity, depressive symptoms, ... -
Social Variations in Perceived Parenting Styles among Norwegian Adolescents
(Child indicators research;7(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Previous research has documented the associations between parenting and parenting styles and child and adolescent outcomes. Little is known, however, about the social structuring of parenting in contemporary Nordic welfare ... -
Socio-Economic Gradients and Disability During The Transition to Young Adulthood: A Longitudinal Survey and Register Study in Norway
(International journal of disability, development and education;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-03)The study aimed to investigate trends and explanatory factors for socio-economic inequalities associated with disability during the transition to young adulthood. A sample of 2606 participants (56% females and 44% ... -
Socioeconomic inequalities in health during the Great Recession: A scoping review of the research literature
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Health;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-10)Aims: The so-called “Great Recession” in Europe triggered widespread concerns about population health, as reflected by an upsurge in empirical research on the health impacts of the economic crisis. A growing body of empirical ... -
Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality after age 67: The contribution of psychological factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Diverging trends of longer lives and increased inequalities in age-at-death invite to updated research on late-life mortality. Earlier studies have identified health behavior, childhood, psychosocial, and material conditions ... -
Solidarity and tension across generations in welfare democracies
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-13)In this chapter, social generation will be applied as a normative-political and sociological concept in combination, and that can be used to explain social order and the development of a political order through democratic ... -
Solidarity with Future Generations? Protection clauses in constitutions
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-09-13)By including the protection of future generations’ access to a healthy natural environment in constitutions, the current generations have committed themselves to taking future people into account in contemporary policy ... -
De som er kasta ut av det normale : om selvskading og selvterapi i et emo/alternativt miljø i 'Torsdal', Norge
(Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Basert på en serie intervjuer utført i 2010, retter artikkelen søkelyset mot et tidligere lite utforsket transnasjonalt ungdomskulturelt fellesskap som omtales som «emo», og som ofte er assosiert med depressivitet og ulike ... -
Sosial ulikhet i barn og unges deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter
(Rapport fra Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor;, Research report, 2021)Deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter er for barn og ungdom en viktig kilde til fellesskap, identitet og mestring. Det er imidlertid grunn til å tro at sosioøkonomiske forskjeller fortsetter å gjøre seg gjeldende i ...