Blar i SVA - Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) på tittel
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Incapacitated sexual assault among youths: beyond the perpetrator tactics framework
(Journal of Youth Studies;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-23)The issue of incapacitated sexual assault (ISA) among youths has received increased attention among researchers. Still our understanding of the phenomenon is so far limited. Most research to date departs from an underlying ... -
Incentive effects of cash benefits among young people. A natural experiment from Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Prior research on active labour market programmes (ALMPs) for young people has revealed either no effect or negative effects on transition rates into employment. In addition to accessing the programme content, participation ... -
Income security in Nordic welfare states for men and women who died when aged 55–69 years old
(Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy;Volume 35, 2019 - Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-19)Income security when health impairment or other social risks occur is a major objective of welfare states. This comparative study uses register data from four Nordic welfare states for examining equivalized disposable ... -
Inequalities in the making: The role of young people’s relational resources through the Covid-19 lockdown
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, youth researchers have reported increased inequalities between young people, but the social processes that drive these changes are not well understood. In this paper, we draw ... -
Informal eldercare and care for disabled children in the Nordic countries: prevalence and relation to employment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)In an international comparison, the Nordic countries are generous care spender s and a relatively large proportion of the populations receive formal care services. However, in respect of service ... -
Innledning: Koronakultur
(Tidsskrift for kulturforskning;Nr 1 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)Da koronapandemien traff Skandinavia våren 2020 snudde den opp-ned på mange aspekter ved hverdagslivet. Den stengte folk ute fra arbeidsplasser, sosiale møtesteder og vante rammer. Den endra måten vi kunne forholde oss til ... -
Innovation and network leadership: The bureaucracy strikes back?
(Information Polity;Vol. 23, no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-20)This article focuses on the relationship between network leadership and innovation in the public sector. Data from three case studies on digital-based municipal networks in Norway are presented, covering the period from ... -
Inntektssikring: Har venstre/høyredimensjonen betydning for velgerholdninger og politikkutforming?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 25, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Artikkelen belyser norske velgeres syn på tre veivalg for utviklingen av det offentlige inntektssikringssystemet – behovsprøving, aktivering og innføring av grunninntekt. Analysene er basert på European Social Survey fra ... -
Institutional Barriers to Medical Examinations in Barnahus
(Chapter, 2024)Although ensuring that victimised children receive timely medical health assessments is among the key aims of Barnahus, this goal has proven difficult to achieve in Norway, the empirical case examined in this chapter. Few ... -
Institutional Design and Political Representation: the Council of Immigrant Organisations in Oslo
(Journal of International Migration and Integration;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-09-12)The city of Oslo has established a council of immigrant organisations (CIO). The city has designed CIO to have a double mandate: one from the city of Oslo and one from the immigrant organisations. The question raised in ... -
Intelligence, alcohol consumption, and adverse consequences: A study of young Norwegian men
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Research suggests that intelligence is positively related to alcohol consumption. However, some studies of people born around 1950, particularly from Sweden, have reported that higher intelligence is associated with lower ... -
Interpersonal Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence and Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood: A Latent Class Analysis Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Previous research relates violent victimization early in life to a wide range of unfavorable outcomes in adulthood, among them a lack of educational attainment. A tendency to conduct separate investigations into ... -
Interpreting Housing Allowance: The Norwegian Case
(Housing, Theory and Society;31(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-14)Housing allowances are part of both the housing policy and the general welfare policy. In order to understand fully how the housing allowances affect welfare and well- being, one needs to use multiple approaches. We propose ... -
Introduction: Tema: Ungdom, helse og velferd
(Norsk Epidemiologi;Vol 28 No 1-2 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-09)Introduction: Nearly ten years ago, researchers in leading institutions within social sciences and social medicine were invited to publish articles in a special issue of this journal about youth and health. 12 articles in ... -
Involved fatherhood in the Nordic context: dominant narratives, divergent approaches
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper focuses on narratives and practices of ‘ involved fatherhood ’ , the ideal of an emotionally present and nurturing father. The geographical context of the study is Iceland, one of the ‘ father-friendly ’ Nordic ... -
Is it Easier to Be Unemployed When the Experience Is More Widely Shared? Effects of Unemployment on Self-rated Health in 25 European Countries with Diverging Macroeconomic Conditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The economic crisis in Europe since 2008 has led to high unemployment levels in several countries. Previous research suggests that becoming unemployed is a health risk, but is job loss and unemployment easier to cope with ... -
Is the migration crisis a solidarity crisis?
(The Crisis of the European Union: Challenges, Analyses, Solutions;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This chapter aims to analyse to what extent and how increased migration to Europe has triggered conflicting ideas of solidarity in Europe. It integrates analytical and normative approaches to the concept of solidarity. The ... -
Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life?
(Journal article, 2023)This study aims to explore the effects of childhood circumstances and conditions on the risk of exclusion from social relations in old age, using a life-course perspective and examining gender influence. Secondary analysis ... -
Is There Less Labor Market Exclusion of People With Ill Health in “Flexicurity” Countries? Comparative Evidence From Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium
(International Journal of Health Services;Volume: 49, issue: 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-10)Higher employment rates among vulnerable groups is an important policy goal, and it is therefore vital to examine which (mix of) social policies that are best able to incorporate vulnerable groups – such as people with ill ... -
Is video gaming, or video game addiction, associated with depression, academic achievement, heavy episodic drinking, or conduct problems?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-03)While the relationships between videogame use and negative consequences are debated, the relationships between videogame addiction and negative consequences are fairly well established. However, previous studies suffer ...