Now showing items 90-109 of 183

    • "Institutional primacy vs. transnational segmentation: Transnational networks of regulatory agencies and the administrative identifications of national Ooficials". 

      Danielsen, Ole Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This article investigates the effects of embedding into transnational networks of regulatory agencies (TRNs) on the administrative identifications held by national agency officials. Drawing on an organisational-institutional ...
    • Integrative climate leadership in multi-level policy packages for urban mobility - A study of governance systems in two Nordic urban regions 

      Tønnesen, Anders; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Hansen, Karsten Bruun; Valencia, Sandra C. (Transport Policy;Volume 128, November 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper involves a comparative study of policymaking related to urban transport in the Gothenburg and Oslo regions. It sets out to show how strong climate leadership relates to the integration of policy measures and ...
    • Interdisciplinary research and transdisciplinary processes for environmental management under different socio-natural conditions 

      Orderud, Geir; Vogt, Rolf David; Tan, Hongze; Luo, Jing (International Journal of Environmental Studies;Volume 75 - Issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-08)
      Interdisciplinary research and transdisciplinary processes as part of environmental management respond to the increasing complexity of socio-natural changes in recent decades. Two similar studies of eutrophication in raw ...
    • Introduction: The Russian welfare state in a time of economic stagnation 

      Cook, Linda J.; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Kivinen, Markku; Kuhnle, Stein (Russian Politics;Volume 4 (2019): Issue 3 (Sep 2019): Special Issue: Welfare Policy In Contemporary Russia, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-27)
      This Special Issue is devoted to Russia’s welfare state during the years of economic stagnation that began in 2013. Twelve experts assess social conditions and reforms in poverty, labor market, pension, housing and education ...
    • “It Seemed Like Forever!” Shrinking Spaces of Conviviality at the Border of Norway and Russia 

      Gubrium, Erika; Aasland, Aadne; Lindskog, Benedikte V; López Arteaga, Erika Garcia; Mikheev, Igor (Journal of Borderlands Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      “Conviviality” is a useful term for exploring interactions and relationships taking place between different groups of people. While conviviality may arise through everyday processes, rhythms, and senses of belonging, it ...
    • Juxtacity: an Approach to Urban Difference, Divide, Authority, and Citizenship 

      Millstein, Marianne; Hammar, Amanda (Urban Forum;31 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-31)
      Difference is foundational to urban governance and urban life. This article—and the special issue—focuses analytically on the juxtaposition of multiple urban differences, and what happens especially in relation to urban ...
    • Kampen om en tredje boligsektor i Oslo: De kommersielle og ikke-kommersielle alternativene 

      Christiansen, Ina Marie; Kjærås, Kristin Edith Abrahamsen (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 4, nr. 1-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-15)
      Oslo kommune opplever økende utfordringer med tilgang på stabile og rimelige bosituasjoner for befolkningen. For å imøtegå utfordringene vil kommunen etablere en tredje boligsektor. I denne artikkelen analyseres diskursene ...
    • Kan vanskeligstilte på boligmarkedet eie egen bolig? En analyse av mulighetsrommet i startlånsordningen 

      Monkerud, Lars Chr.; Astrup, Kim Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Hva er mulighetene for at såkalt vanskeligstilte, gjennom Husbankens startlånsordning, kan eie egen bolig innenfor rammene av dagens boligmarked? Etter en forskriftsendring i 2014 er startlånsordningen spisset mot nettopp ...
    • Knute på tråden : knutepunktordningens betydning for institusjonalisering av festivaler 

      Takle, Marianne; Bergsli, Heidi; Dokken, Therese (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Den politiske ideen om knutepunktinstitusjoner går helt tilbake til 1991 og endte med at Stortinget avviklet ordningen i 2015. På dette tidspunktet var det bare 15 festivaler igjen på ordningen, og disse ble overført til ...
    • Kollektiv analyse av innvandringspolitikk: Feministiske forskingsmetodar i praksis 

      Eggebø, Helga; Staver, Anne Balke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      I denne artikkelen tek me utgangspunkt i omgrepet «sakteforsking» og utforskar korleis ein kan jobba med kritisk tenking og kreativitet gjennom kollektive analyseprosessar. Caset er ein analyseworkshop me gjennomførte ...
    • Kommunenes forebyggende terrorsikkerhetsarbeid og partnerskap med politiet 

      Lid, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Kommunene har fått større ansvar for forebyggende terrorsikkerhetsarbeid de siste årene. Et viktig spørsmål er hvordan kommunene håndterer ansvaret med å sikre offentlige byrom mot terror. Med utgangspunkt i at et velfungerende ...
    • Kulturpolitikk og festivaler 

      Takle, Marianne; Henningsen, Erik; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Bergsli, Heidi; Knudsen, Jan Sverre; Dokken, Therese; Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen (Chapter; Research report, 2023)
      Denne rapporten drøfter om Kulturrådets tilskuddsordninger til festivaler fungerer etter hensikten som kunst- og kulturpolitisk virkemiddel. Det sentrale spørsmålet vi reiser, er: I hvilken grad og hvordan fører tilskuddet ...
    • Leading co-creation for the green shift 

      Hofstad, Hege; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob; Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      European cities are formulating ambitious climate mitigation goals and calling for the mobilization of societal resources through the co-creation of innovative solutions to help them achieve their goals. To improve the ...
    • Local democracy in Ukrainian cities: civic participation andresponsiveness of local authorities 

      Aasland, Aadne; Lyska, Oleksii (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-08)
      This article examines local democracy in Ukrainian cities from the perspective of the local population, with a focus on citizen participation and city authorities’ responsiveness to the concerns of local inhabitants. It ...

      Kasahara, Yuri; Sobral, Maria do Carmo; Melo, Maiara Gabrielle de Souza (Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (RBCIAMB);Vol 55 No 3 (2020): RBCIAMB - 2176-9478 - September - Special Edition: River Basins Management, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-08)
      Integrated water resources management is advancing in Brazil as decentralized and participatory governance gains more prominence. However, local actions need to be better understood since several public ...
    • Local leadership in climate change policies 

      Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; SWIANIEWICZ, Paweł; Lackowska, Marta (Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences;Issue No. 53 E/February, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-26)
      The article studies differences in political leadership in local government in Norway and in Poland and how they might contribute to differences in local climate policy – adaptation as well as mitigation. Based on the ...
    • Location, location, location!: a quality-adjusted rent index for the Oslo office market 

      Anundsen, André Kallåk; Bjørland, Christian; Hagen, Marius (Journal of European Real Estate Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-27)
      Purpose: Commonly used rent indices are based on average developments or expert opinions. Such indices often suffer from compositional biases or low data coverage. The purpose of this paper is to overcome these challenges ...
    • Lykken ved å eie sin bolig 

      Dyb, Evelyn (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 3, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)
      I boligeierlandet Norge er boligetablering synonymt med å eie sin egen bolig. Diskursen om «å komme inn på boligmarkedet» dreier seg utelukkende om å kjøpe sin første bolig og starte en forventet oppadgående boligkarriere. ...
    • Maternal concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and risk for cerebral palsy (CP) in the child. A case control study 

      Eskild, Anne; Monkerud, Lars Chr.; Jukic, Anne Marie Z.; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Lie, Kari Helene Elise Kveim (European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology;Volume 228, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-04)
      Background Intrauterine conditions may be important in the development of cerebral palsy in the child. The hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is synthesized in the placenta, and hCG plays an important role in ...
    • Mer midlertidighet– innvandringspolitikken etter asylforliket 

      Eggebø, Helga; Staver, Anne Balke (Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift;Nr. 2 / 2020 / Årg. 37, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-04)
      Hvilke konsekvenser får det når innvandringspolitikken preges av stadig mer midlertidighet? Dette spørsmålet ble ikke utredet og knapt diskutert i forbindelse med omfattende politiske endringer etter asylforliket. Denne ...