Browsing SVA - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) by Title
Now showing items 110-129 of 181
Migration and Homelessness: Measuring the Intersections
(European Journal of Homelessness;Volume 14, Issue 3 - 2020: Special Edition - Measuring Homelessness in Europe, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Given the growing superdiversity of European societies, more detailed data on migrant homelessness are needed. Measuring and monitoring the inter sections between migration and homelessness needs a fundamental reflection ... -
Mot økt folkelig innflytelse? Desentralisering og lokaldemokrati i Ukraina
(Nordisk Østforum;Vol 32 (2018), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-18)The article analyses the results of a nationally representative survey on local democracy conducted in Ukraine in the autumn of 2017, offering insights into attitudes towards local authorities and ongoing decentralization ... -
Movers from the city in the first year of Covid
(Nordic Journal of Urban Studies;Volume 1, No. 2-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-10)Cities across the world have been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and out-migration from many cities was particularly high in 2020. Some movers went abroad; others moved to other parts of the same country. Using ... -
A multi-dimensional assessment of urban vulnerability to climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In this paper, we develop and apply a multi-dimensional vulnerability assessment framework for understanding the impacts of climate change-induced hazards in Sub-Saharan African cities. The research was carried out within ... -
Multilevel networks for climate change adaptation – what works?
(International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose - Two Norwegian municipal networks for climate change adaptation are compared and evaluated, to see how such networks should be initiated and implemented as a means of achieving adaptation measures within ... -
Municipality characteristics and the fertility of refugees in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Abstract The study of the fertility of immigrants has received much attention in recent years, particularly in societies with fertility rates below replacement levels. However, fertility in refugee populations remains ... -
The Mystification of Digital Technology in Norwegian Policies on Archives, Libraries and Museums: Digitalization as Policy Imperative
(Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)In this article, we investigate how digitalization has attained the role of policy imperative in the culture sector, and how the imperative is influencing contemporary policy discourses on archives, libraries and museums ... -
Network Governance in Russia: Costs and Benefits
(Demokratizatsiya;24 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
New Public Management and hospital efficiency: the case of Norwegian public hospital trusts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)New Public Management-inspired reforms in the Norwegian hospital sector have introduced several features from the private sector into a predominantly public healthcare system. Since the late 1990s, several reforms have ... -
Nordic house price bubbles?
(Housing Lab Working Paper Series;, Working paper, 2020)This article estimates fundamental house prices for Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden over the past 20 years. Fundamental house prices are determined by per capita income, the housing stock per capita, and the real ... -
Nye boligkjøpsmodeller – med eller mot det etablerte boligregimet?
(Nordic Journal of Urban Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)De siste 6–9 årene har boligutviklere i Norge utviklet ulike boligkjøpsmodeller som skal muliggjøre boligkjøp også for hushold som mangler egenkapital eller høy nok inntekt til å få boliglån i en privat bank. Modellene ... -
Nye boligkjøpsmodeller – med eller mot det etablerte boligregimet?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)De siste 6–9 årene har boligutviklere i Norge utviklet ulike boligkjøpsmodeller som skal muliggjøre boligkjøp også for hushold som mangler egenkapital eller høy nok inntekt til å få boliglån i en privat bank. Modellene ... -
On the Diversity of India’s Democracies
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Opportunities and risks among migrant workers in the hotel industry in Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016-07-23)This article examines working conditions, careers and aspirations among immigrants working in the hotel industry in the Greater Oslo region. Using theories of labour market segregation and segmentation, and drawing ... -
Organisere for organiseringens skyld. Kultursamverkansmodellen og organisasjonsreformenes rolle i nordisk kulturpolitikk.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi rollen organisasjonsreformer har i den nordiske kulturpolitikken på bakgrunn av en case studie av Kultursamverkansmodellen, som ble implementert i Sverige i 2011. Gjennom flere tiår har ... -
Pac’Stão versus the City of Police: Contentious Activism Facing Megaprojects, Authoritarianism, and Violence.
(Conflict and Society;Volume 6, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-01)This article analyzes community activism and state interventionism within a context of racialized and gendered violence that is both direct/physical and structural. It presents a case study of Manguinhos, a cluster of ... -
Participation according to the law? The research-based knowledge on citizen participation in Norwegian municipal planning
(European Journal of Spatial Development;No. 67, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-15)Citizen participation is enshrined in the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (PBA) 1985 and accentuated by the 2008 revision of the PBA. In this article, we ask if the research on participation in municipal planning is ... -
Party penalty or party premium? ‘Party Swedes’ in Norway and their income before, during, and after migration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Young adults moving between wealthy countries for work and adventure are an under-studied group of international migrants. We use a unique combination of full population register data from Sweden and Norway to explore the ... -
Pathways to Integration: Cross-cultural Adaptations to the Housing Market in Oslo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Immigrants move not only from one country to another, but also to different ways of living and different kinds of housing systems. Based on the studies among households with Pakistani, Tamil and Somali background in Oslo, ... -
Place Identity with a Historic Landscape – An Interview-Based Case Study of Local Residents’ Relationship with the Austrått Landscape in Norway
(Heritage & Society; Volume 11, 2018 - Issue 1: Special Issue on Cultural Landscapes, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-10)This article examines local residents’ identity with historic landscapes through the case study of the Austrått landscape in Norway, where cultural and natural heritage are under pressure from increasing local development. ...