Browsing Sentraladministrasjonen by Title
Now showing items 3515-3534 of 3910
Tilfredshet og fremtidsplaner blant nyutdannede sykepleiere ett år etter endt utdanning
(Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hensikt: Å kartlegge faktorer som påvirker nyutdannede sykepleieres tilfredshet og videre yrkesplaner. Metode: Elektronisk spørreundersøkelse våren 2018. Resultat: 129 (36%) av 360 inviterte sykpleiere uteksaminerte ... -
Tilkjennelse og utmåling av oppreisning til de berørte etter terrorangrepet 22. juli 2011
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Den 22. juli 2011 ble 77 personer drept i terroranslagene i Regjeringskvartalet og på Utøya. I artikkelen undersøkes voldsoffererstatningsordningen og hvordan ordningen ble praktisert i 22. juli-sakene. Spørsmål som stilles ... -
Tillit, sosial orden og kunnskap: sosiologiske perspektiver på tillitens natur og funksjon i senmoderne samfunn
(Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;Årgang 62, nr. 3-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-25)Vår tids samfunn er preget av høy kompleksitet, formaliserte kontrollsystemer og utstrakt bruk av abstrakt og spesialisert kunnskap. Hvilken rolle spiller tillit i denne typen samfunn? Og hva slags tillit er det snakk om? ... -
Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i offentlig sektor i Norge: Mye hørt, men lite sett?
(Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Denne artikkelen utforsker utbredelsen av tillitsbasert styring og ledelse (TBSL) og hvordan tillitsbasert styring og ledelse påvirker tillit mellom ledere og ansatte og organisasjoners resultater i offentlig sektor i ... -
Tilrettelegging av sosiale møteplassar for vaksne med utviklingshemming i eit kommunalt bufellesskap
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gode relasjonar og sosiale ferdigheiter har stor betydning for trivsel og god psykisk helse. Sosialisering og tilrettelegging av sosiale møteplassar er viktig for personar med utviklingshemming. Denne artik- kelen syner ... -
Tilrettelegging for dybdelæring og helhetlig yrkeskompetanse i helsefagarbeiderutdanningen
(Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling;Vol 7, Nr. 1 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-28)Mye av forskningen innenfor det profesjonspedagogiske og yrkespedagogiske fagfeltet viser store relevansproblemer. Her er det manglede koherens mellom teori og praksis, og mellom innholdet i utdanningen og den utøvende ... -
”Time flies when you are stuck at home, broke, drunk and full of existential dread”. En reflexiv etnografisk betraktelse kring humor ochsamlande under Covid-19 pandemin.
(Tidsskrift for kulturforskning;Nr 1 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)This article discusses the way folklorists and ethnologists gathered online during the Covid-19 pandemic to collect and share online humour. The ethnographers’ instinct during a global crisis was to immediately start ... -
Time to care - An ethnographic study of how temporal structuring affects caring relationships in clinical nursing
(Social Science and Medicine;Volume 287, October 2021, 114349, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-12)This article explores how temporal structuring of clinical activities affects nurses’ establishment of caring relationships with patients, based on an ethnographic study in a Norwegian cancer ward in January–June 2017. By ... -
Time to work – opposing political rationality with young peoples’ experiences of working in a mandatory activation context in Norway
(Journal of Applied Youth Studies (JAYS);Volume 4, issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-12)This paper argues that young people, targeted by activation policies, had several temporal experiences with work that can contribute to broadening our understanding of labour market policy for this group of young people. ... -
Time trends in caesarean section rates and associations with perinatal and neonatal health: a population-based cohort study of 1 153 789 births in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives To study caesarean section (CS) rates and associations with perinatal and neonatal health in Norway during 1999–2018. Design Population-based cohort study. Setting Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Participants ... -
Time trends in loneliness from 1984 ti 2019 among 27 032 older adults in Norway: a HUNT study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aging population and increasing evidence of the detrimental health impacts of loneliness emphasize the importance of studying and predicting changes in loneliness prevalence among older adults. To understand and project ... -
Timed Up and Go: Reference Values for Community-Dwelling Older Adults with and without Arthritis and Non-Communicable Diseases: The Tromsø Study
(Clinical Interventions in Aging;2021:16, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-23)Purpose: The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test is used to assess a person’s mobility and balance. We aimed to provide updated reference values for TUG performance for the community-dwelling older population according to age and ... -
The Timing and Strength of Inequality Concerns in the UK Public Debate: Google Trends, Elections and the Macroeconomy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Inequality among people has several unwanted effects, in humanistic, social and economic contexts. Several studies address distributional preferences among groups, but little is known about when inequality issues are focused ... -
TLViz: Visualising and analysing tensor decomposition models with Python
(Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Multi-way data, also known as tensor data or data cubes, occur in many applications, such as text mining (Bader et al., 2008), neuroscience (Andersen & Rayens, 2004) and chemical analysis (Bro, 1997). Uncovering the ... -
To receive and to give something back – director’s perspectives on public – private collaborations in Norwegian art museums
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The rapid growth of private museums, contemporary art, and the emergence of private collectors has changed public museums’ room for action and placed heightened pressure on museum directors worldwide. In recent years, ... -
To research by two hands
(Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R);Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Artistic and Art-Based Research Methods, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-03)In this article, we explore artistic research methods by committing ourselves to writing in a sense Cixous is thematizing in her book Three Steps to the Ladder of Writing: a way of writing that includes what is banished, ... -
To wrap or not to wrap? A study of how long words are split when reflowed on magnified web pages
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Many low-vision users adjust the browser zoom level to make text more comfortable to read. Responsive websites attempt to fit the content within the viewport width, but several types of problems can potentially occur; ... -
A Tool for Promoting Intrinsic Motivation in Teams: A Case Study of Participants’ Motivation During a Design Project
(E&PDE;DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th -10th September 2021, Conference object, 2021)Intrinsic motivation is a prerequisite for creativity. Research require more studies about the prerequisites for intrinsic motivation where design thinking has been used as an approach to develop a tool. In this case study ... -
Topical glaucoma medications − Possible implications on the meibomian glands
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)One of the most common causes of blindness on a global scale is glaucoma. There is a strong association between glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Because of this, adequate IOP-lowering is the most important ... -
Torture survivors’ experiences of receiving surgical treatment indicating retraumatization
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Due to the invasive nature of surgical procedures and the involvement of medical personnel, torture survivors may experience re-traumatization during surgical treatment. This study aimed to explore torture survivors’ ...