Browsing Sentraladministrasjonen by Title
Now showing items 1422-1441 of 3921
From Democratic Consultation to User-employment: Shifting Institutional Embedding of Citizen Involvement in Health and Social Care
(Journal of Social Policy;Volume 47, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01)Policies of citizen involvement in health and social care have given rise to a variety of organisational forms, which address citizens in different capacities and differ in their demands as to the representativeness, ... -
From discretion to standardization: Digitalization of the police organization
(International Journal of Police Science and Management;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-11)In this article, we aim to examine whether intelligence-led policing in police practice reinforces the control model of the police organization. We argue that digitalization of police working life resurrects several of ... -
From interactivity to intra-activity in performing arts for children.
(Teatervitenskapelige studier;Nr. 6 (2022): Interactivity and audience participation in performing art for children and youth, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-01)This essay introduces dilemmas and experiences of making interactive theatre for children based on findings from the SceSam Project. This artistic research project bridged artistic practice and theoretical perspectives on ... -
From Public Reason to Public Health: Professional Implications of the “Debunking Turn” in the Global Fact-Checking Field
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The global field of fact-checking organizations has experienced a dramatic shift in focus since 2016, from checking claims by poli- ticians and other public figures to policing viral misinformation on social networks. ... -
From readers’ advisory to literary advocacy – a conceptual exploration
(Information research;Vol. 27, Special issue - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Oslo Metropolitan University, May 29 - June 1, 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction. This article departs from an observation that current practices of readers advisory (litteraturformidling) in public libraries tend to prioritize readers’ demands, taste, or contextual matters on the expense ... -
From school improvement to student cases: teacher collaborative work as a context for professional development
(Professional Development in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-25)Research has extensively linked teacher collaborative work with opportunities for both explicit and implicit professional development. However, while teachers work together more often than before, little is known about how ... -
From sweat to hope: The role of exercise-induced extracellular vesicles in cancer prevention and treatment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The benefits of regular physical exercise on cancer prevention, as well as reducing fatigue, treatment side effects and recurrence, and improving quality of life and over-all survival of cancer patients, are increasingly ... -
From technology to community: the role of artefacts in teaching and learning during and beyond pandemic times
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores lecturers’ experience of adapting, shaping and transforming teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study focuses on understanding the challenges and opportunities that are afforded ... -
From Theory to Practice Leveraging Project Based Learning to Cultivate Student Engagement in Mechanical Engineering Education
(IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2024)This paper explores the transformative impact of Education 4.0 on learning experiences in the context of mechanical engineering education. Education 4.0 is an evolving paradigm that is student-centered, scalable, ... -
From “what works” to “making it work”: A practice perspective on evidence-based standardization in frontline service organizations
(Social Policy & Administration;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-26)Evidence-based standards are becoming increasingly influential in frontline services connected to labor market inclusion of vulnerable citizens. To increase our understanding of standardization in such public service ... -
Fubini-Study metrics and Levi-Civita connections on quantum projective spaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We introduce analogues of the Fubini-Study metrics and the corresponding Levi-Civita connections on quantum projective spaces. We define the quantum metrics as two-tensors, symmetric in the appropriate sense, in terms of ... -
Fully Integrated Ultra-Low Voltage Step-up Converter with Voltage Doubling LC-Tank for Energy Harvesting Applications
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This paper reports the design, fabrication, and validation of a novel integrated interface circuit for ultra-low voltage step up converter in 0.18 μm CMOS technology. The circuit does not use off-chip components. Fully ... -
A Functional Contextualist Account of Behavioral Economics: Relational Frame Theory Applied to Decision-Making and Choice Behavior
(Perspectivas Em Análise Do Comportamento;RFT Special Volume, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-13)Behavioral economics is a discipline that is mainly rooted in cognitivism and that is concerned with the study of decision-making processes and choice behavior. These involve addressing the relations between cognition and ... -
Functional Outcomes at 6 and 12 Months Post-Injury in a Trauma Centre Population with Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Injuries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study aims to evaluate the global functional outcomes after moderate-to-severe traumatic injury at 6 and 12 months and to examine the sociodemographic and injury-related factors that predict these outcomes. A ... -
Funksjonshemming som fortrinn? Jobbintervjuer til en traineestilling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Fysioterapibehandling til beboere med langtidsopphold i norske sykehjem – En kvalitativ studie av fysioterapeuters erfaringer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hensikt: Studien belyser hvilke erfaringer fysioterapeuter har med å gi fysioterapibehandling til beboere med langtidsopphold i norske sykehjem, og hvordan fysioterapeutene er involvert i behandlingen av beboere i livets ... -
Fysioterapipraksis for barn og unge med overvekt: Ein kvalitativ fokusgruppestudie av fysioterapeutar sine erfaringar
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Føremål: Føremålet med studien er å frambringe kunnskap om kva som kjenneteiknar den profesjonelle fysioterapiprak- sisen for barn og unge med overvekt. Design, materiale og metode: To kvalitative fokusgruppein- tervju ... -
Følgeevaluering av Kompetanseløft 2020: Sluttrapport
(Research report, 2021)I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra følgeevalueringen av regjeringens satsing Kompetanseløft 2020. Evalueringen er gjennomført som et teamarbeid mellom forskere fra forskningsinstituttene SINTEF, NIBR og NIFU. ... -
G-estimation of causal pathways in vocational rehabilitation for adults with psychotic disorders – a secondary analysis of a randomized trial
(BMC Psychiatry;21, Article number: 370 (2021), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-23)Background: Vocational rehabilitation (VR) has increasingly become an important intervention targeting poor occupational functioning in schizophrenia. The Norwegian Job Management Program (JUMP), sought to enhance occupational ...