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Approaches to inclusive education A review of the literature on inclusive education for children and youth with disabilities in low-income countries in Africa and Asia
(NIBR Rapport;, Book; Research report, 2024)This report responds to an assignment commissioned by Norad to review peer reviewed literature on inclusive education in ten selected countries in Africa and Asia: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, ... -
Arbeidsinkludering, læring og innovasjon i NAV
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2021)I dette kapittelet beskriver vi erfaringene til ledere ved to NAV-kontor som har gjennomgått et lederutviklingsprogram basert på reflekterende prosesser. Vi har gjennomgått e-poster og referater fra planlegging og ... -
Evaluating Ethical Frameworks for the Assessment of Human Cognitive Enhancement Applications
(SpringerBriefs in Ethics;2017, Book; Peer reviewed, 2017)This book offers the policy-maker or decision-maker key insights and practical information regarding the features of ethics frameworks best suited to the ethical assessment of human cognitive enhancement (HCE) applications, ... -
Generational Tensions and Solidarity Within Advanced Welfare States
(Book, 2021-09-13)This book explores generation as both a reference to family or kinship structures and a reference to cohorts or age sets. The principal objective is branching out this two-part concept through studies of tensions and ... -
Human Rights in Child Protection. Implications for Professional Practice and Policy
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Rape in the Nordic countries: Continuity and change
(Routledge Research in Gender and Society;, Book, 2020)While the Nordic countries are listed at the top in most international rankings of gender equality and citizens’ feelings of security, studies on the prevalence of sexual victimisation present a different picture, ... -
Showing Social Solidarity with Future Generations
(Book, 2024)Today’s generations can affect the future ecosystem more than any previous generations and aggravate the welfare of future people. People who have not yet been born are excluded from political decisions important to their ...