• A Suburban Dreamscape Outshining Urbanism: The Case of Housing Advertisements 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Space and Culture;First published online May 21, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Cities and suburbs are often constructed as different socio-spatial entities to afford different ways of life. Although that dichotomy has been challenged, it has maintained its popularity in academic discourse. As with ...
    • Successful scaling of Edible City Solutions to promote food citizenship and sustainability in food system transitions 

      Plassnig, Sara Noémie; Pettit, Marisa; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Säumel, Ina (Frontiers in Sustainable Cities;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Sustainable, productive and biodiversity-friendly urban landscapes are a strategic step in transitioning to future-proof, liveable and healthy cities Edible nature-based solutions, otherwise known as “Edible City Solutions”, ...
    • Suicidal ideation and self-harm among youths in Norway: associations with verbal, physical and sexual abuse 

      Mossige, Svein; Huang, Lihong; Straiton, Melanie; Roen, Katrina (Child & Family Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-22)
      Using data from a national survey (N=6979) of young people in their last year in Norwegian secondary schools in 2007 (aged 18-19), this article explores the relationship between sexual abuse and experiences of violence ...
    • Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov. Håndbok i målgruppespesifikke metoder og verktøy 

      Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana; Værhaug, Kristin; Stene, Line; Thevik, Camilla (AFI FoU-resultat;2019:08, Research report, 2019-06)
      Denne håndboken er basert på erfaringer fra et treårig forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekt «Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov». Prosjektet er utført av Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet ved OsloMet ...
    • Supported Employment i kvalifiseringstiltak for innvandrere: To år med metodeutprøving og metodeutvikling i åtte forsøksprosjekter 

      Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana; Spjelkavi, Øystein; Frøyland, Kjetil; Schafft, Angelika; Egeland, Cathrine (AFI Rapport;02/2019, Research report, 2019-05)
      Denne rapporten dokumenterer erfaringer fra forskningsprosjektet «Supported Employment for innvandrere med sammensatte bistandsbehov». Prosjektet er utført av Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet ...
    • Surplus populations and the state: A criminological view 

      Shammas, Victor Lund (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy;Vol 8 No 1 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-18)
      Surplus populations are back on the political agenda. With the rise of automation technologies and the advent of the hyperflexible ‘gig economy’, millions of individuals across the post-industrialised world will likely ...
    • Survival and Exits in Neighbourhoods: A Long-Term Analyses 

      Nordvik, Viggo; Turner, Lena Magnusson (Housing Studies;30(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-02)
      Neighbourhoods form a frame for our lives. At the same time, neighbourhoods are themselves formed by mobility in to and out of the m . This paper studies who stays in and who leaves in two districts of Oslo. The empirical ...
    • Sustainable and purchasing behaviour of online food shoppers: Survey results from Italy, Ireland, and Germany 

      Alfnes, Frode; Biasetton, Sylvia; Brunori, Margherita; McCarthy, Mary (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      This chapter presents survey results on sustainable food behaviour and purchase frequencies of online food platform users in Italy, Germany, and Ireland from January 2021. The participants were recruited from alternative ...
    • Sustainable Employment for People with Disabilities: A Scoping Review on Workplace Practices and Positive Employment Outcomes 

      Aksnes, Siri Yde; Ulstein, Julie (Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This is a scoping review of literature on positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities (PWD) and stakeholders in the organization. The aim is to investigate the connection between workplace practices and ...
    • Sustainable welfare in the EU: Promoting synergies between climate and social policies 

      Koch, Max; Gullberg, Anne Therese; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Hvinden, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-15)
      The commentary addresses the scope for synergy between climate change policy and social policy in the European Union from a ‘sustainable welfare’ perspective. The emerging sustainable welfare approach is oriented at the ...
    • Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis 

      Alexander, Jan; Brunborg, Gunnar; Feychting, Maria; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Gismervik, Svein; Haanes, Jan Vilis; Hamnerius, Yngve; Hannevik, Merete; Heimdal, Per Eirik; Hillert, Lena; Klæboe, Lars Hind Bakken; Kristensen, Petter; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Tynes, Tore; Langeland, Bjørn Tore (Rapport: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt;2012:3, Research report, 2012)
      Bruk av utstyr som sender ut radiobølger har økt i senere år. Trådløs kommunikasjonsteknologi som mobiltelefoni dominerer. De siste årene har krav om stadig bedre dekning, teknologi i nye generasjoner og utvidede funksjoner ...
    • Svar 

      Neumann, Iver (Internasjonal Politikk - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for internasjonale studier;Årgang 77, Nummer 2 (2019): Fokus: Neumann, NUPI og utenriksdebatten, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-17)
      Artikkelen begynner med å takke de andre bidragsyterene til symposiet. Det argumenteres så for at offentlige intellektuelle kan bli lettere hørt når tilhørerne opplever at verden er i endring og er i villrede om hva som ...
    • A systematic literature review of the relationship between work hours and sickness absence 

      Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff; Houkes, Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between work hours and sickness absence: is a higher number of work hours associated with better or with adverse health? A systematic literature review was performed ...
    • Taking the initiative: determinants of parental self-referral to the Norwegian Child Welfare Services 

      Løvgren, Mette (Nordic Social Work Research;Volume 7, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This study investigates determinants of self-referral to the Child Welfare Services among parents in Norway. Increasing the rates of self-referral can ensure earlier intervention and assistance to more children and parents ...
    • Teachers’ professional development and an open classroom climate:A comparative study of Norway, Sweden, South Korea, and Taiwan 

      Hu, Aihua; Huang, Lihong (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education;Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Special Issue: ICCS 2016 Teachers' Perspectives on Civic and Citizenship Education, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-04)
      This article examines teachers’ professional development (PD) in terms of content knowledge and teaching methods, their sense of preparedness in teaching, and their teaching practice of civic and citizenship education (CCE) ...
    • Technological Care. Health Professionals’ Discourses on Technology in Home-Based Services Seen Through a Capability Approach 

      Thorstensen, Erik; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Lund, Anne (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS);Volume 12208, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-10)
      This article is a contribution to the reflection upon what forms of assistive technologies societies should provide to users of home-based services. The material is collected from five focus group interviews conducted in ...
    • Technological change and work 

      Schneider, Benjamin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    • Teens’ dreams of becoming professional athletes: the gender gap in youths’ sports ambitions 

      Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (Sport in Society Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-06)
      In comparatively gender equal Norway, most boys and girls participate in sports at about equal rates. This apparent gender equality is investigated further: do young teens also profess equal ambitions of becoming professional ...
    • The temporal alignment of mental health consultations across family members: a study of Norwegian adolescents, their parents, and siblings 

      Wörn, Jonathan; Balbo, Nicoletta; Hank, Karsten; Kravdal, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Purpose Mental health problems among adolescents have become more prevalent in recent years. Parents’ and siblings’ mental health might be affected by living with a depressed adolescent. This study examines how the mental ...
    • Ten questions concerning positive energy districts 

      Sareen, Siddharth; Albert-Seifried, Vicky; Aelenei, Laura; Reda, Francesco; Etminan, Ghazal; Andreucci, Maria-Beatrice; Kuzmic, Michal; Maas, Nienke; Seco, Oscar; Civiero, Paolo; Krangsås, Savis Gohari; Hukkalainen, Mari; Neumann, Hans-Martin (Building and Environment;Volume 216, 15 May 2022, 109017, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-01)
      Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) constitute an emerging energy transition paradigm, with an ambitious timeline for rapid upscaling to match the urgency of climate mitigation and adaptation. Increasingly networked and ...