Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Document Types "Peer reviewed"
Now showing items 1-20 of 1177
1918 Influenza Outcomes among Institutionalized Norwegian Populations: Implications for Disability-Inclusive Pandemic Preparedness
(Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research;Volume 22 - Issue 1 - 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-01)People with disabilities are often at increased risk during infectious disease pandemics, due to complex biological and social factors. Synergistic biological interactions can lead to severe complications or reduced vaccine ... -
1918 pandemic morbidity: the first wave hits the poor, the second wave hits the rich
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Whether morbidity from the 1918‐19 influenza pandemic discriminated by socioeconomic status has remained a subject of debate for 100 years. In lack of data to study this issue, the recent literature has ... -
The 1919–21 influenza pandemic in Greenland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In Alaska, the 1918–20 influenza pandemic was devastating, with mortality rates up to 90% of the population, while in other arctic regions in northern Sweden and Norway mortality was considerably lower. We investigated the ... -
67+ and still working. The importance of earlier job situation and retirement plans for extended careers
(Nordisk välfärdsforskning;Årgang 5, nr. 2-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-17)The decision to raise the employment protection age limit in Norway (from 70 to 72) evoked considerable debate, with both employers’ associations and most trade union confederations opposing the change. The arguments set ... -
A methodological approach to the materiality of clothing: Wardrobe studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The material is not just ‘a carrier’ of different types of symbols, but an active element in the practices. Bringing this to the fore requires new research methods. This article discusses a methodological approach, we call ... -
ABM-utvikling og avvikling: institusjonell konvergens og divergens i kulturpolitikken
(Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidsskrift;vol. 22, Nr. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority (ABM-utvikling – Statens senter for arkiv, bibliotek og museum) existed between 2003 and 2010. This article raises the question of why ABM-utvikling was not continued as ... -
Absence Due to Sickness Among Female Immigrants: Disadvantages Over the Career?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The extent to which and where immigrants’ health may deteriorate in the integration process is less understood. This study extends the current knowl- edge by focusing on sickness absence in Norway among female immigrants ... -
Access to Public Support Systems Related to Severity of Adversities and Resilience among Adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Access to support systems is crucial for providing immediate assistance and treatment to children to counteract the long-term detrimental effects of various forms of violence. This study examines how adversity such as ... -
Action research for democracy - A Scandinavian approach
(International Journal of Action Research;10(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Many proponents of action research for democracy seem to presuppose that to anchor action research in democratic ideals is a sufficient base for action researchers to legitimate their democratic purposes and intentions. ... -
Activating the person in the changing situation: A dynamic analytical approach to labour activation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)For several decades, the turn towards labour activation has dominated European social work and social work institutions. While social work research and practice focused on labour activation have long considered “the person ... -
Addressing the social determinants of health at the local level: Opportunities and challenges
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Health;Vol 46, Issue 20, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-19)Aims: The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumstance, demonstrating that health worsens as you move down the socio-economic scale. For more than a decade, the Norwegian ... -
Adolescent Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking: An 18-year Trend Study of Prevalence and Correlates
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-03)Aims: Several studies suggest a rapid decrease of alcohol use among adolescents after the turn of the century. With decreasing prevalence rates of smokers, a so-called hardening may have taken place, implying that remaining ... -
Adolescent and young adult drunkenness and future educational attainment and labour market integration: A population-based longitudinal study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Adolescent boys’ physical fighting and adult life outcomes: Examining the interplay with intelligence
(Aggressive Behavior;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Although it is well known that adolescent delinquent behavior is related to poor outcomes in adulthood, longitudinal research on specific acts of delinquency and their interplay with important individual characteristics ... -
Adolescent mental health and behavioural predictors of being NEET: a prospective study of young adults not in employment, education, or training
(Psychological Medicine;Volume 48, Issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04)Young adults who are not in employment, education, or training (NEET) are at risk of long-term economic disadvantage and social exclusion. Knowledge about risk factors for being NEET largely comes from cross-sectional ... -
Adolescents from affluent city districts drink more alcohol than others
(Addiction;110(10), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-14)Aims To estimate the level of alcohol consumption and problems among adolescents in city districts in Oslo, Norway with different socio-economic composition; to test whether differences in alcohol consumption are related ... -
Adolescents' use of nicotine-free and nicotine e-cigarettes: A longitudinal study of vaping transitions and vaper characteristics
(Nicotine & Tobacco Research;Volume 24, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-21)Introduction: Although adolescents’ nicotine addiction from e-cigarettes is a concern, few studies differentiate between vaping with and without nicotine. This study examines the prevalence of nicotine and nicotine-free ... -
Adolescents’ psychosocial well-being one year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
(Nature Human Behaviour;Volume 6, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-20)The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically restricted adolescents’ lives. We used nationwide Norwegian survey data from 2014–2021 (N = 227,258; ages 13–18) to examine psychosocial outcomes in adolescents before and during the ... -
Adult children of parents with young-onset dementia narrate the experiences of their youth through metaphors
(Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare;8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-05-27)Background: Limited research exists on the development and needs of children of parents with young-onset dementia (YOD) (<65 years old). There is scarce knowledge of how these children experience the situation of growing ... -
Advancing the evidence base for public policies impacting on dietary behaviour, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Europe: The Policy Evaluation Network promoting a multidisciplinary approach
(Food Policy;Volume 96, October 2020, 101873, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-05)Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of global mortality. As the social and economic costs of NCDs have escalated, action is needed to tackle important causes of many NCD’s: low physical activity levels ...