Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Zouganeli, Evi"
Action Recognition in Real Homes using Low Resolution Depth Video Data
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Nedrejord, Oda Olsen; Lee, Wonho; Zouganeli, Evi (Annual IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems;2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Conference object, 2019-08-05)We report work in progress from interdisciplinary research on Assisted Living Technology in smart homes for older adults with mild cognitive impairments or dementia. We present our field trial, the set-up for collecting ... -
Activity Recognition and Prediction in Real Homes
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi (Nordic Artificial Intelligence Research and Development: Third Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society, NAIS 2019, Trondheim, Norway, May 27–28, 2019, Proceedings;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this paper, we present work in progress on activity recognition and prediction in real homes using either binary sensor data or depth video data. We present our field trial and set-up for collecting and storing the data, ... -
Artificial cognitive functions towards AI-enabled collaborative robots
Zouganeli, Evi; Lentzas, Athanasios (Chapter; Conference object, 2023)In this paper we discuss work in progress and our approach to next generation robotics. The use of cognitive architectures can overcome some of the challenges encountered when Artificial In- telligence (AI) algorithms ... -
Autonomous condition monitoring of AutoStore robot components using AI-enabled visual inspection
Langerud-Hamba, Kristian (Master thesis, 2024)AI has increased in popularity over the last decade due to its rapid advance. While it has become popular with the man on the street for its language capabilities, companies also use it in fields such as automa- tion. ... -
Cognitive Robotics - Towards the Development of Next-Generation Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Zouganeli, Evi; Lentzas, Athanasios (Chapter; Conference object, 2023)In this paper we make the case for cognitive robotics, that we consider a prerequisite for next generation systems. We give a brief account of current cognition-enabled systems, and viable cognitive architectures, discuss ... -
Cognitive Robotics - Towards the Development of Next-Generation Robotics and Intelligent Systems.
Zouganeli, Evi; Lentzas, Athanasios (Communications in Computer and Information Science;Volume 1650: Nordic Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 4th Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02-02)In this paper we make the case for cognitive robotics, that we consider a prerequisite for next generation systems. We give a brief account of current cognition-enabled systems, and viable cognitive architectures, discuss ... -
Comparison of Probabilistic Models and Neural Networks on Prediction of Home Sensor Events
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Tørresen, Jim; Zouganeli, Evi (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN); 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Conference object, 2019-09-30)We present results and comparative analysis on the prediction of sensor events in a smart home environment with a limited number of binary sensors. We apply two probabilistic methods, namely Sequence Prediction via Enhanced ... -
Involving older adults in technology research and development discussions through dialogue cafés
Lund, Anne; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Johannessen, Adele Flakke; Lovett, Hilde; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi; Norvoll, Reidun; Forsberg, Ellen Marie (Research Involvement and Engagement;7:26, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-10)Abstract Background: Citizen involvement is important for ensuring the relevance and quality of many research and innovation efforts. Literature shows that inadequate citizen involvement poses an obstacle during the research, ... -
Involving older adults in technology research and development discussions through dialogue cafés
Lund, Anne; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Flakke-Johannessen, Adele; Lovett, Hilde; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi; Norvoll, Reidun; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Citizen involvement is important for ensuring the relevance and quality of many research and innovation efforts. Literature shows that inadequate citizen involvement poses an obstacle during the research, development, and ... -
Is RRI a new R&I logic? A reflection from an integrated RRI project.
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Lund, Anne; Zouganeli, Evi (Journal of Responsible Technology;Volume 5, 100007, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-04)This article presents an analysis of a project in the field of assisted living technologies (ALT) for older adults where Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is used as an overall approach to the research and technology ... -
Method to Obtain Neuromorphic Reservoir Networks from Images of in Vitro Cortical Networks
Mello, Gustavo; Pontes-Filho, Sidney; Sandvig, Ioanna; Valderhaug, Vibeke Devold; Zouganeli, Evi; Huse Ramstad, Ola; Sandvig, Axel; Nichele, Stefano (IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI);, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-20)In the brain, the structure of a network of neurons defines how these neurons implement the computations that underlie the mind and the behavior of animals and humans. Provided that we can describe the network of neurons ... -
New-Task Planning in Robotics
Østrem, Kent Robin (Master thesis, 2024)The motivation behind this project was to investigate methods of how it could be possible to increase the autonomy of a robot through new-task planning and re-planning. This thesis addresses this investigation by firstly, ... -
Occupancy and daily activity event modelling in smart homes for older adults with mild cognitiveiImpairment or dementia
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings;153, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper we present event anticipation and prediction of sensor data in a smart home environment with a limited number of sensors. Data is collected from a real home with one resident. We apply two state-of-the-art ... -
Predicting Sensor Events, Activities, and Time of Occurrence Using Binary Sensor Data From Homes With Older Adults
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Tørresen, Jim; Zouganeli, Evi (IEEE Access;Volume 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-08)We present a comprehensive study of state-of-the-art algorithms for the prediction of sensor events and activities of daily living in smart homes. Data have been collected from eight smart homes with real users and 13-17 ... -
Project-based learning in programming classes the effect of open project scope on student motivation and learning outcome
Zouganeli, Evi; Tyssø, Veslemøy; Feng, Boning; Arnesen, Kjell; Kapetanovic, Nihad (Elsevier IFAC Publications;19, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this paper we report on the use of project-based learning in teaching a second-year course in Electrical Engineering that comprises learning to program in LabVIEW a graphical programming language and a basic ... -
Real-Time Detection of Events in Soccer Videos using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
Rognved, Olav; Hicks, Steven; Lasantha Bandara Thambawita, Vajira; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Zouganeli, Evi; Johansen, Dag; Riegler, Michael A.; Halvorsen, Pål (IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia; 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-22)In this paper, we present an algorithm for automatically detecting events in soccer videos using 3D convolutional neural networks. The algorithm uses a sliding window approach to scan over a given video to detect events ... -
Robotisation of welding process using information from 3D model
Finsen, Camilla (Master thesis, 2024)The fourth industrial revolution, characterised by increased automation and robotics, is reshaping industries worldwide. In response to the growing demand for cost-efficient and rapidly evolving construction methods, with ... -
Sensor Event Prediction using Recurrent Neural Network in Smart Homes for Older Adults
Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Tørresen, Jim; Zouganeli, Evi (2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS);, Chapter; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)We present preliminary results on sensor data prediction in a smart home environment with a limited number of binary sensors. The data has been collected from a real home with one resident over a period of 17 weeks. We ... -
Use of Clustering Algorithms for Sensor Placement and Activity Recognition in Smart Homes
Simonsson, Simon Frederick; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi (IEEE Access;Volume: 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-01-23)This work presents a novel method for motion sensor placement within smart homes. Using recordings from 3D depth cameras within six real homes, clusters are created with the resident’s tracked location. The resulting ... -
Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-time Detection of Soccer Events
Rongved, Olav Andre Nergård; Hicks, Steven; Thambawita, Vajira L B; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Zouganeli, Evi; Johansen, Dag; Riegler, Michael Alexander; Halvorsen, Pål (International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC);Volume 15, Issue 02, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Developing systems for the automatic detection of events in video is a task which has gained attention in many areas including sports. However, there are still a number of shortcomings with current systems, such as high ...