Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Vilhena, Susana"
Aktivitetspliktens innside og utside – Unge mottakere av sosialhjelp og deres erfaringer med aktivitetsplikt
Leseth, Anne; Vilhena, Susana; Gjersøe, Heidi Moen (Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 23, nr.2-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-23)Fra januar 2017 er alle norske sosialhjelpsmottakere under 30 år forpliktet til å delta i arbeidsrelatert aktivitet – det vil si at de har aktivitetsplikt. Resiprositet er en politisk begrunnelse for aktivitetsplikten, som ... -
Frontline implementation of welfare conditionality in Norway: A maternalistic practice
Gjersøe, Heidi Moen; Leseth, Anne; Vilhena, Susana (Social Policy and Administration;First published 09 December 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-19)Welfare conditionality is both ambitious and ambiguous for the frontline workers who put policy into practice. Since January 2017, the Norwegian frontline service should require social assistance benefit recipients under ... -
Is it because you can’t, or don’t want to? The implementation of frontline sanctions in Norwegian social assistance
Vilhena, Susana (European Journal of Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-30)Welfare conditionality, particularly stringent benefit sanctions, has become increasingly prevalent in Western welfare states in recent decades. Although mandatory activation has received great attention in research, the ... -
Relational Alliance and Professional Practice in Social Work: A study of the Norwegian Qualification Programme
Vilhena, Susana (Master thesis, 2014)The current master thesis is developed under the research project “Comprehensive follow-up of the participants in the Qualification Programme” which is a cluster-randomised evaluation of the “Comprehensive, Methodological ...