Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Slettebø, Åshild"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Clinical Application Research through reflection, interpretation and new understanding - a hermeneutic design
Lindwall, Lillemor; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Lohne, Vibeke; Caspari, Synnøve; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Sæteren, Berit; Slettebø, Åshild; Høy, Bente; Nåden, Dagfinn (Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences;Volume 33, Issue 3, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-10)The implementation of theoretical knowledge in clinical practice and the implementation of good clinical practice into theory have been of interest in caring science for the last 30 years. The aim of this article was to ... -
"Det er mitt liv det gjelder" : kreftpasienters beskrivelse av mestringsmuligheter, slik det kommer til uttrykk på et internettbasert diskusjonsforum
Varre, Pernille; Slettebø, Åshild; Ruland, Cornelia (Vård i Norden;31 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Background: Online support groups carry great potential for cancer patients and have become an increasingly common way of communication. However, more research is needed to learn how participation in such forums may benefit ... -
Dignity and care for people with dementia living in nursing homes
Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Nortvedt, Per; Slettebø, Åshild (Dementia;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-12-18)This article presents and discusses findings from a qualitative study on how the dignity of patients with dementia is preserved or harmed when they live in a nursing home. The results build on participant observation in ... -
Dignity and existential concerns among nursing homes residents from the perspective of their relatives
Caspari, Synnøve; Lohne, Vibeke; Rehnsfeldt, Arne Wilhelm; Sæteren, Berit; Slettebø, Åshild; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Lillestø, Britt; Høy, Bente; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Lindwall, Lillemor; Aasgaard, Trygve; Nåden, Dagfinn (Clinical Nursing Studies;2(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Aims and objectives: The aim of this cross-country Scandinavian study was to explore how residents in nursing homes experience that their dignity is promoted and attended to. This is one part of the Scandinavian project ... -
Dignity in relationships and existence in nursing homes’ cultures
Rehnsfeldt, Arne Wilhelm; Slettebø, Åshild; Lohne, Vibeke; Sæteren, Berit; Lindwall, Lillemor; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Høy, Bente; Caspari, Synnøve; Nåden, Dagfinn (Nursing Ethics;Volume 29, Issue 7-8, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07-08)Introduction: Expressions of dignity as a clinical phenomenon in nursing homes as expressed by caregivers were investigated. A coherence could be detected between the concepts and phenomena of existence and dignity in ... -
Everyday uses of standardized test information in a geriatric setting: a qualitative study exploring occupational therapist and physiotherapist test administrators justifications
Krohne, Kariann; Sandra, Torres; Slettebø, Åshild; Bergland, Astrid (BMC health services research;14(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-02-17)Background Health professionals are required to collect data from standardized tests when assessing older patients’ functional ability. Such data provide quantifiable documentation on health outcomes. Little is known, ... -
Experiences of a non-clinical set ofadolescents and young adults living with persistent pain: a qualitative metasynthesis
Fegran, Liv; Johannessen, Berit; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Westergren, Thomas; Høie, Magnhild; Slettebø, Åshild; Rohde, Gudrun Elin; Helseth, Sølvi; Haraldstad, Kristin (BMJ Open;Volume 11, Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-19)Purpose Around 15%–30% of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) experience persistent or chronic pain. The purpose of this study was to synthesise evidence from qualitative primary studies on how AYAs in a non-clinical ... -
Family Caregivers' Experiences in Nursing Homes: Narratives on Human Dignity and Uneasiness
Lohne, Vibeke; Rehnsfeldt, Arne; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Lindwall, Lillemor; Caspari, Synnøve; Sæteren, Berit; Høy, Bente; Lillestø, Britt; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Slettebø, Åshild; Aasgaard, Trygve; Nåden, Dagfinn (Research in gerontological nursing;7(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11)This qualitative study focused on dignity in nursing homes from the perspective of family caregivers. Dignity is a complex concept and central to nursing. Dignity in nursing homes is a challenge, according to research. ... -
How individuals with dementia in nursing homes maintain their dignity through life storytelling - A case study
Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Slettebø, Åshild (Journal of Clinical Nursing;24(15-16), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-20)Aims and Objectives The aim of this article is to present and discuss findings on what individuals with dementia do themselves to maintain or promote their dignity of identity when they live in a nursing home. Background ... -
How school nurses experience and understand everyday pain among adolescents
Høie, Magnhild; Haraldstad, Kristin; Rohde, Gudrun E.; Fegran, Liv; Westergren, Thomas; Helseth, Sølvi; Slettebø, Åshild; Johannessen, Berit (BMC Nursing;16(53), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Pain problems are a rapidly growing health problem found among both children and adolescent, and about 15–30% have reported chronic pain problems. School nurses in Norway meet adolescents with various ailments, including ... -
The importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in qualitative research
Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Nortvedt, Per; Slettebø, Åshild (Nursing ethics;20(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-11-19)Abstract The aim of this article is to show the importance of moral sensitivity when including persons with dementia in research. The article presents and discusses ethical challenges encountered when a total of 15 persons ... -
Individual Plan in rehabilitation processes: a tool for flexible collaboration?
Alve, Grete; Madsen, Vigdis Helén; Slettebø, Åshild; Hellem, Elisabeth; Bruusgaard, Kari A.; Langhammer, Birgitta (Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-04-27)This article explores how different collaborative strategies between clients and service providers mediate with the quality of individual plan processes in Norway. The main question concerns how clients and service providers ... -
Individualizing standardized tests: physiotherapists and occupational therapists' test practices in a geriatric setting
Krohne, Kariann; Torres, Sandra; Slettebø, Åshild; Bergland, Astrid (Qualitative Health Research;23(9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In assessing geriatric patients’ functional status, health care professionals use a number of standardized tests. These tests have defined administration procedures that restrict communication and interaction with patients. ... -
'Like a prison without bars': Dementia and experiences of dignity
Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Nortvedt, Per; Slettebø, Åshild (Nursing ethics;20(8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-05-23)The aim of this article is to investigate how life in Norwegian nursing homes may affect experiences of dignity among persons with dementia. The study had a qualitative design and used a phenomenological and hermeneutic ... -
Maintaining dignity in vulnerability: A qualitative study of the residents' perspective on dignity in nursing homes
Høy, Bente; Lillestø, Britt; Slettebø, Åshild; Sæteren, Berit; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Caspari, Synnøve; Aasgaard, Trygve; Lohne, Vibeke; Rehnsfeldt, Arne Wilhelm; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Lindwall, Lillemor; Nåden, Dagfinn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-03-19)Background . Older people, living in nursing homes, are exposed to diverse situations, which may be associated with loss of dignity. To help them maintain their dignity, it is important to explore, how dignity is ... -
Medpasienten si rolle i informasjonsutvekslinga i eit internettbasert diskusjonsforum
Hovland, Gro; Slettebø, Åshild; Ruland, Cornelia (Vård i Norden;31 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Background: The most common reason for patient dissatisfaction with the public health service is related to information and communication. Due to shorter admission periods cancer patients are increasingly expected to deal ... -
Older Women’s Experience Of Everyday Life In Old Age: Past, Present And Future
Bergland, Astrid; Slettebø, Åshild (Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics;Volume 36, 2018 - Issue 2-3, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-20)Aims: To explore how older Norwegian women living at home experience ageing, and how their everyday life has been influenced by their encounters with the challenges of life. Methods: A qualitative design, interviewing ... -
Professional thinking in Individual Plan processes
Alve, Grete; Slettebø, Åshild; Madsen, Vigdis Helen; Hellem, Elisabeth; Bruusgaard, Kari Anette; Langhammer, Birgitta (Ergoterapeuten;57 (1), Academic article, 2014)This article explores the kind of critical and reflective thinking taht influences the social and health care professionals in the Individual Plan process. An inter-professional group of six healthcare and social researchers ... -
Safe, but lonely : living in a nursing home
Slettebø, Åshild (Vård i Norden;28 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-03)How do residents in nursing homes experience their life there? Gathering and analysing the personal views of residents is an important way of studying the effectiveness of nursing homes. The aim of this study is to describe ... -
School nurses’ and teachers’ perceptions of pain in young immigrants living in Norway
Johannessen, Berit; Høie, Magnhild; Haraldstad, Kristin; Helseth, Sølvi; Fegran, Liv; Westergren, Thomas; Slettebø, Åshild; Rohde, Gudrun E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose The number of adolescents experiencing pain is increasing. Pain has a major impact on several areas of daily living, such as function at school and school absenteeism, loss of appetite and socializing. One out of ...