Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Shammas, Victor Lund"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Kritikk av den liberale populismekritikk
Shammas, Victor Lund (Agora : Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon;01-02 / 2020 (Volum 37), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-28)Populisme kommer av det latinske ordet populus, som blant annet betyr «folk». Populisme er altså en slags «folk»-isme, en appell til folket. Vi gjenfinner ordet populus i det romerske slagordet Senātus Populusque Rōmānus ... -
One giant leap for capitalistkind: Private enterprise in outer space
Shammas, Victor Lund; Holen, Tomas Bjerke (Palgrave Communications;Published 29 January 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-10)Outer space is becoming a space for capitalism. We are entering a new era of the commercialization of space, geared towards generating profits from satellite launches, space tourism, asteroid mining, and related ventures. ... -
The parrhesia of neo-fascism
Shammas, Victor Lund (International Journal of Zizek Studies;Vol 13, No 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In his late lectures, Foucault developed the ancient Greek concept of parrhesia, a courage to speak the truth in the face of danger. While not entirely uncritical of the notion, Foucault seemed to find something of an ideal ... -
Penal elitism: Anatomy of a professorial category
Shammas, Victor Lund (Critical Criminology;First Online 16 September, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In recent decades, many scholars have invoked the concept of penal populism to explain the adoption of “tough on crime” measures and a wider politics of “law and order” across the post-industrialized world. But scholars ... -
The perils of parole hearings: California lifers, performative disadvantage and the ideology of insight
Shammas, Victor Lund (PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review;Volume 42, Issue 1, May 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-21)Following a series of transformative political and legal battles, California's overcrowded prison system has moved in the direction of moderate decarceration. A softer stance on punishment means that thousands of previously ... -
Reproduction and the welfare state: Notes on Norwegian biopolitics
Shammas, Victor Lund; Sandset, Tony Joakim (Nordic Journal of Social Research;Volume 11, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Norway has long been considered to be a bastion of social democracy due to its strong, protective, decommodifying welfare state. However, with the recent rise of neoliberalism and right-wing populist politics across the ... -
The state as God: On Bourdieu’s political theology
Shammas, Victor Lund (Journal of Extreme Anthropology;Vol 2, No 2 (2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Bourdieu’s anthropology of the state can be interpreted as a form of political theology, premised on a panentheistic conception of the state, which is transcendental to social reality while simultaneously being lodged in ... -
Surplus populations and the state: A criminological view
Shammas, Victor Lund (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy;Vol 8 No 1 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-18)Surplus populations are back on the political agenda. With the rise of automation technologies and the advent of the hyperflexible ‘gig economy’, millions of individuals across the post-industrialised world will likely ...