• Drug use and early job insecurity 

      Tolgensbakk, Ida; Ayllón, Sara; Schoyen, Mi Ah; McDonnell, Ann; Bussi, Margherita; O'Reilly, Jacqueline (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-22)
      This chapter explores the association between drug use, early job insecurity and periods of high youth unemployment using quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative analysis shows how young people’s behaviour and ...
    • Governmentality Versus Community: The Impact of the COVID Lockdowns 

      Wallace, Claire; Mytna-Kurekova, Lucia; Leon, Margarita; O’Reilly, Jacqueline; Blome, Constantin; Bussi, Margarita; Faith, Becky; Finney, Mark; Leschke, Janine; Ruffa, Chiara; Russell, Emma; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Thurer, Matthias; Unt, Marge; Verdin, Rachel (International Journal of Community Well-Being;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The COVID lockdowns were characterised by new forms of governmentality as lives were disrupted and controlled through the vertical transmission of biopolitics by the state. The paper considers how this was experienced by ...
    • Moral economies of the welfare state: A qualitative comparative study 

      Taylor-Gooby, Peter; Hvinden, Bjørn; Mau, Steffen; Leruth, Benjamin; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Gyory, Adrienn (Acta Sociologica;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-13)
      This paper uses innovative democratic forums carried out in Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom to examine people’s ideas about welfare-state priorities and future prospects. We use a moral economy framework in the ...
    • Moving away from, moving towards and moving against others: An adaptive multi-strategy approach to defend and build resources in self-protection mode 

      Russell, Emma; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Blome, Constantin; Bussi, Margherita; Chung, Heejung; Finney, Mark; Johansson, Hakan; Leon, Margarita; Leschke, Janine; Mytna-Kurekova, Lucia; Ruffa, Chiara; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Thürer, Matthias; Unt, Marge; Verdin, Rachel; Wallace, Claire (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In the face of extreme and enduring stressors, a self-protection coping mode can be entered to conserve resources (Conservation of Resources (COR) theory principle 4). Self-protection coping is underexplored in COR theory ...
    • What and whom are family policies for? Unpacking the meaning of citizens’ support for family policy across Europe 

      Rakar, Tatjana; Chung, Heejung; Zimmermann, Katharina; Schoyen, Mi Ah; Hrast, Masa Filipovic (Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy;Volume 38 , Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-12)
      The paper provides a comparative investigation into public attitudes to family policies. It shows that citizens’ support for family policies is diverse across different welfare regimes with respect to four countries belonging ...