Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Persson, Marlene"
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Barn og unges fritid i et kjønns- og likestillingsperspektiv
Seland, Idunn; Persson, Marlene; Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (NOVA Rapport;5/19, Research report, 2019)Har gutter og jenter lik mulighet til deltakelse i fritidsaktiviteter? I denne rapporten undersøkes dette spørsmålet i en gjennomgang av norske og nordiske forskningsbidrag fra de siste ti årene. Gutter og jenter velger ... -
Fotball som kjønnet mulighetsrom. Hvilken betydning har metafortellingen om kvinnefotball for unge jenters idrettsprosjekt?
Persson, Marlene; Stefansen, Kari; Strandbu, Åse (Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning;Årgang 44, nr. 3-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-12)Denne artikkelen handler om idrett og kjønn. Vi tar utgangspunkt i fotball – som i dag er den mest populære idretten blant både jenter og gutter, samtidig som den er tydelig kjønnet på elitenivå. Kvinnefotball framstilles ... -
Opting out of youth sports: how can we understand the social processes involved?
Persson, Marlene; Espedalen, Lars Erik; Stefansen, Kari; Strandbu, Åse (Sport, Education and Society;Published online 06 Sep 201, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-02)Sports researchers often examine the subject of youth quitting sports through quantitative surveys using fixed-choice questionnaires. In this paper, we analyze 1,248 descriptions offered by youth in the survey Young in ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
Persson, Marlene (Journal of Youth Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-04)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
Persson, Marlene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ...