Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Ongstad, Sigmund"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
The Blindness of Focusing. Pragmatic theories of communication and the challenge of validation
Ongstad, Sigmund (Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology;5(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this theoretical article it is argued that certain pragmatic approaches to language and communication are necessary to take into consideration when validating cultural, immanent 'objects' or cultural utterances. It is ... -
Can Animals Refer? Meta-Positioning Studies of Animal Semantics
Ongstad, Sigmund (Biosemiotics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-16)This meta-study applies a socio-semiotic framework combining five basic communicational aspects, form, content, act, time, and space, developed to help answering the question Can animals refer? It further operates with ... -
The Challenge of Positioning Space and Time in Systemic Studies of Animal Utterances as Both Embodied and External Contexts
Ongstad, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Animal utterances are metastudied based on a framework describing relations between aspects of utterance, genre, and lifeworld, form, content, act, time, and space. The study concerns a set of problems: How is context ... -
Competing disciplinarities in curricular L1. A Norwegian case
Ongstad, Sigmund (L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature;15, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-08-17)This article explores historical changes within curricular L1 in search for key mechanisms that can illuminate the role of kinds of disciplinarity in current educational reforms. The article investigates written curricula ... -
A Conceptual Framework for Studying Evolutionary Origins of Life-Genres
Ongstad, Sigmund (Biosemiotics;12, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-04)The introduction claims that there might exist an evolutionary bridge from possible genres in nature to human cultural genres. A sub-hypothesis is that basic life-conditions, partly common for animals and humans, in the ... -
Curricular L1 Disciplinarities: Between Norwegianness and Internationality
Ongstad, Sigmund (Educational Linguistics;Volume 48, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-25)The chapter explores how international impulses may have affected national L1 curricula in Norway from 1939 to 2020. It compares the descriptions of aims and content in seven curricula chronologically, using content analysis. ... -
Driften i literacy-begrepet - en utfordring for lærerutdanningers fagdidaktikk?
Ongstad, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2014) -
Education as language and communication (L & C). A blindness in didactics and curriculum theory.
Ongstad, Sigmund (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-26)This chapter begins with empirical text studies, it is mainly theoretical, focusing on how L&C is amalgamated and how aspects of this 'whole' can be seen as elements in disciplinarities of school subjects and academic ... -
Genre Constituents in “Reflections on Genre as Social Action”? A Search in Light of Four 1980s Key Texts
Ongstad, Sigmund (Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie (DW/R);Vol. 31 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-03)The article searches main components of genre in a special issue on genre in Discourse and Writing in 2020, asking what the key genre constituents are if genre is seen as a general semiotic concept. Possible constituents ... -
Om faglighet og språklighet i Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk (NKR) i lys av generell læreplan for grunnutdanning (1-13)
Ongstad, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2014) -
Perceptions of Context. Epistemological and Methodological Implications for Meta-Studying Zoo-Communication
Ongstad, Sigmund (Biosemiotics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Although this study inspects context in general, it is even intended as a prerequisite for a meta-study of contextual time&space in zoo-communication. Moving the scope from linguistics to culture, communication, and semiotics ... -
Perceptions of context: Epistemological and methodological implications for meta-studying zoo-communication
Ongstad, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Relasjonen estetikk – epistemologi – etikk og fagdidaktikk. Et semiotisk-kommunikativt perspektiv på estetikk og utdanning.
Ongstad, Sigmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Artikkelen tar mål av seg å vise at det hersker en indre sammenheng, på den ene siden mellom en rekke ulike kommunikative og didaktiske aspekter som kan samles under nøkkelbegrepene estetikk, epistemologi og etikk. På den ... -
Simple utterances but complex understanding? Meta-studying the fuzzy mismatch between animal semantic capacities in varied contexts
Ongstad, Sigmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)