Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg"
Care parading as service: Negotiating recognition and equality in user-controlled personal assistance
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg; Gundersen, Tonje (Gender, Work and Organization;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)This article addresses aspects of the relationship between disabled people and their personal assistants within the user-controlled personal assistance programme in Norway (BPA). Within this programme, a disabled person ... -
Children´s Quest for love and Professional child protection work: The case of Norway
Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Central actors in the child protection field in Norway argue that children in public care should not only receive care and support, but also love. It is hard to disagree that children need love. However, there is ... -
De emosjonelle belastningene i barnevernets arbeid - Hvordan oppleves det å jobbe som saksbehandler i barnevernet?
Torfelt, Mariann Di Turi (Master thesis, 2015)Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ undersøkelse om de emosjonelle belastningene saksbehandlere i barnevernet kan få i sitt arbeid. Som saksbehandler bør man ha en allsidig kunnskap på mange områder. Sosialt arbeid er ... -
God omsorg i barnevernsinstitusjoner
Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Løvgren, Mette; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg; Storø, Jan (NOVA Rapport 12/17, Report, 2017)Background The study was initiated in 2014 by the Directorate for Children, Youth and the Family. The main objective was to generate knowledge that can be used in the ongoing work to develop the quality of care in residential ... -
Kroppen min. Andres arbeidsplass og eget seksual- og privatliv
Gundersen, Tonje; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg; Egeland, Cathrine (NOVA Rapport 18/14, Report, 2014)How does disabled people perceive having to receive personal assistance, and to have a body that is the work place for other people? Moreover, how is it for personal assistants to have another person’s body as their work ... -
Logistics of care: Trust-reform and self-managing teams in municipal home care services
Hansen, Helle Cathrine; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The central idea in trust-reform is to improve service delivery by granting professional autonomy and acknowledging the experiential knowledge of professionals. In this article, we study trust-reform bottom-up from the ... -
Logistics of care: Trust-reform and self-managing teams in municipal home care services
Hansen, Helle Cathrine; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The central idea in trust-reform is to improve service delivery by granting professional autonomy and acknowledging the experiential knowledge of professionals. In this article, we study trust-reform bottom-up from the ... -
Omsorgens Grenseland - En studie om miljøterapeutisk arbeid med ungdom som har begått overgrep.
Norum, Heidi Leona (Master thesis, 2015)Hvordan opplever miljøterapeuter det å jobbe med ungdommer som har begått seksuelle grenseoverskridelser og seksuelle overgrep? Og på hvilken måte blir omsorgsutøvelsen til miljøterapeutene påvirket av deres forståelse ... -
Reputation crisis management and the state: Theorising containment as diplomatic mode
Haugevik, Kristin M.; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (European Journal of International Relations;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-21)This article theorises containment as a diplomatic response mode for states when faced with potentially harmful attacks on their international identity and reputation. Despite widespread agreement in International Relations ... -
Should we take their children? Caseworkers’ negotiations of ‘good enough’ care for children living with high-conflict parents
Sudland, Cecilie; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (European Journal of Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-21)Few studies have explored caseworkers’ perspectives on children’s safety and emotional wellbeing in high-conflict families. Based on focus group and individual interviews with 31 Norwegian child protection services staff, ... -
Staten, barnevernet og utenrikspolitikken. Fra indre anliggende til internasjonal konfliktsone
Haugevik, Kristin M.; Neumann, Cecilie Elisabeth Basberg (Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift;Nr. 1 / 2020 / Årg. 37, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-19)Norske diplomater bruker mye tid og ressurser på å håndtere internasjonal kritikk av norsk barnevern. Barnevernssaker kan bli utenrikspolitikk når kritikken fremmes i bilaterale fora eller autoritative institusjoner utfordrer ... -
Tilknytning i familieveiledning
Harstad, Emma Johanne Gretland (Master thesis, 2022)Tilknytning i familieveiledning handler om hvordan tilknytningsteori blir brukt av familieveiledere til å styrke trygg tilknytning mellom barn og deres foreldre. Tilknytinngsteori ble introdusert av John Bowlby og har blitt ...