Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Lien, Nanna"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Determinants of diet and physical Activity (DEDIPAC): a summary of findings
Brug, Johannes; van den Ploeg, Hidde; Loyen, Anne; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Allais, Olivier; Andersen, Lene Frost; Cardon, Greet; Capranica, Laura; Chastin, Sebastien; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; De Craemer, Marieke; Donnelly, Alan; Ekelund, Ulf; Finglas, Paul; Flechtner-Mors, Marion; Heberstreit, Antje; Kubiak, Thomas; Lanza, Massimo; Lien, Nanna; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Mazzocchi, Mario; Monsivais, Pablo; Murphy, Marie; Nicolaou, Mary; Nöthlings, Ute; O'Gorman, Donal J; Renner, Britta; Roos, Gun; van den Berg, Matthijs; Schulze, Matthias B; Steinacker, Jurgen; Stronks, Karien; Volkert, Dorthee; Lakerveld, Jeroen (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;14(150), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The establishment of the Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub, 2013–2016, was the first action taken by the ‘Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ European Joint Programming Initiative. DEDIPAC ... -
Determinants of diet and physical activity (DEDIPAC): A summary of findings
Brug, Johannes; van der Ploeg, Hidde P; Loyen, Anne; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Allais, Olivier; Andersen, Lene Frost; Cardon, Greet; Capranica, Laura; Chastin, Sebastien; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; De Craemer, Marieke; Donnelly, Alan; Ekelund, Ulf; Finglas, Paul; Flechtner-Mors, Marion; Hebestreit, Antje; Kubiak, Thomas; Lanza, Massimo; Lien, Nanna; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Mazzocchi, Mario; Monsivais, Pablo; Murphy, Marie; Nicolaou, Mary; Nöthlings, Ute; O'Gorman, Donal J; Renner, Britta; Roos, Gun; van den Berg, Matthijs; Schulze, Matthias B; Steinacker, Jurgen; Stronks, Karien; Volkert, Dorothee; Lakerveld, Jeroen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The establishment of the Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub, 2013 – 2016, was the first action taken by the ‘ Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life ’ European Joint Programming Initiative. ... -
Developing a systems-based framework of the factors influencing dietary and physical activity behaviours in ethnic minority populations living in Europe - a DEDIPAC study
Holdsworth, Michelle; Nicolaou, Mary; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Chastin, Sebastien F.M.; Stok, F. Marijn; Capranica, Laura; Lien, Nanna; Terragni, Laura; Monsivais, Pablo; Mazzocchi, Mario; Maes, Lea; Roos, Gun; Mejean, Caroline; Powell, Katie; Stronks, Karien (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;14(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Some ethnic minority populations have a higher risk of non-communicable diseases than the majority European population. Diet and physical activity behaviours contribute to this risk, shaped by a system of inter-related ... -
Developing a systems-based framework of the factors influencing dietary and Physical activity behaviours in ethnic minority populations living in Europe - a DEDIPACstudy
Holdsworth, Michelle; Nicolaou, Mary; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Chastin, Sebastien F.M.; Stok, F.M.; Capranica, Laura; Lien, Nanna; Terragni, Laura; Monsivais, Pablo; Mazzocchi, Mario; Maes, Lea; Roos, Gun; Mejean, Caroline; Powell, Katie; Stronks, Karien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Some ethnic minority populations have a higher risk of non-communicable diseases than the majority European population. Diet and physical activity behaviours contribute to this risk, shaped by a system of ... -
Development of family and dietary habits questionnaires: the assessment of family processes, dietary habits and adolescents impulsiveness in Norwegian adolescents and their parents
Bjelland, Mona; Hausken, Solveig E. Sand; Sleddens, Ester FC; Andersen, Lene Frost; Lie, Hanne Cathrine; Finset, Arnstein; Maes, Lea; Melbye, Elisabeth Lind; Glavin, Kari; Hanssen-Bauer, Merete Waage; Lien, Nanna (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;11(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-15)Background There is a need for valid and comprehensive measures of parental influence on children's energy balance-related behaviours (EBRB). Such measures should be based on a theoretical framework, acknowledging the ... -
Hvilke miljøfaktorer i barnehagen kan påvirke barns grønnsaksinntak, og hvordan kan disse miljøfaktorene endres? Utvikling og pretest av potensielle tiltak for å øke grønnsaksinntaket til 3-5 år gamle barn i barnehagen
Eng, Kristin Fjæra (MAEH;2015, Master thesis, 2015)Bakgrunn: Sykdomsbildet nasjonalt og internasjonalt preges av ikke-smittsomme sykdommer, og det er gode holdepunkter for at disse kan forebygges blant annet ved å endre livsstil. Grønnsaksinntaket i befolkningen er for ... -
Perceived rules and accessibility: measurement and mediating role in the association between parental education and vegetable and soft drink intake
Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede; Lien, Nanna; Torheim, Liv Elin; Andersen, Lene Frost; Melbye, Elisabeth Lind; Glavin, Kari; Hausken, Solveig Elisabeth Sand; Sleddens, Ester FC; Bjelland, Mona (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background The existence of socioeconomic differences in dietary behaviors is well documented. However, studies exploring the mechanisms behind these differences among adolescents using comprehensive and reliable measures ... -
Prosessevaluering av HEIA-prosjektet på 6. trinn I hvilken grad nådde prosjektet frem til elever og foreldre, og hvordan likte de det?
Sunde, Linda Selje (Master thesis, 2010)Universitetet i Oslo, avdeling for ernæringsvitenskap, gjennomførte i perioden 2007-2009 prosjektet HEIA – mat og aktivitet for god helse – en skolebasert intervensjon hvor målet var å fremme en sunn vektutvikling blant ... -
Reaching consensus on definitions for food and physical activity policies: experience from the Policy Evaluation Network
Kelly, Liam; Twohig, Cliona; Woods, Cathrine B.; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Murrin, Celine M.; Lien, Nanna; Meshkovska, Biljana; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Poelman, Maartje; Terragani, Laura; Forberger, Sarah; Hebestreit, Antje; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Harrington, Janas M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)An upsurge in policy evaluation research within public health sciences has led to multi-disciplinary research networks like the ‘Policy Evaluation Network’ (PEN). This multi-disciplinary collaboration highlighted the need ... -
Social disparities in food preparation behaviours: A DEDIPAC study
Méjean, Caroline; Si Hassen, Wendy; Gojard, Séverine; Ducrot, Pauline; Lampuré, Aurélie; Brug, Hans; Lien, Nanna; Nicolaou, Mary; Holdsworth, Michelle; Terragni, Laura; Hercberg, Serge; Castetbon, Katia (Nutrition Journal;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The specific role of major socio-economic indicators in influencing food preparation behaviours could reveal distinct socio-economic patterns, thus enabling mechanisms to be understood that contribute to social inequalities ... -
Socioeconomic indicators are independently associated with nutrient intake in French adults: A DEDIPAC study
Si Hassen, Wendy; Castetbon, Katia; Cardon, Philippe; Enaux, Christophe; Nicolaou, Mary; Lien, Nanna; Terragni, Laura; Holdsworth, Michelle; Stronks, Karien; Hercberg, Serge; Mejean, Caroline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Studies have suggested differential associations of specific indicators of socioeconomic position (SEP) with nutrient intake and a cumulative effect of these indicators on diet. We investigated the independent association ... -
Systematic mapping review of the factors influencing dietary behaviour in ethnic minority groups living in Europe: a DEDIPAC study
Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Nicolau, Mary; Powell, Katie; Terragni, Laura; Maes, Lea; Stronks, Karien; Lien, Nanna; Holdsworth, Michelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background Europe has a growing population of ethnic minority groups whose dietary behaviours are potentially of public health concern. To promote healthier diets, the factors driving dietary behaviours need to be ... -
Systematic mapping review of the factors influencing physical activity and sedentary behaviour in ethnic minority groups in Europe: A DEDIPAC study
Langøien, Lars Jørun; Terragni, Laura; Rugseth, Gro; Nicolaou, Mary; Holdsworth, Michelle; Stronks, Karien; Lien, Nanna; Roos, Gun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Physical activity and sedentary behaviour are associated with health and wellbeing. Studies indicate that ethnic minority groups are both less active and more sedentary than the majority population and that ... -
Towards the integration and development of a cross-European research network and infrastructure: the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub
Lakerveld, Jeroen; van der Ploeg, Hidde P; Kroetze, Willemieke; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Allais, Olivier; Andersen, Lene Frost; Cardon, Greet; Capranica, Laura; Chastin, Sebastien; Donnelly, Alan; Ekelund, Ulf; Finglas, Paul; Flechtner-Mors, Marion; Heberstreit, Antje; Hendriksen, Ingrid; Kubiak, Thomas; Lanza, Massimo; Loyen, Anne; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Mazzocchi, Mario; Monsivals, Pablo; Murphy, Marie; Nochtlings, Ute; O'Gorman, Donal J; Renner, Britta; Roos, Gun; Schuit, Albertine; Schulze, Matthias; Steinacker, Jurgen; Stronks, Karien; Volkert, Dorothee; van't Veer, Pieter; Lien, Nanna; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Brug, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)To address major societal challenges and enhance cooperation in research across Europe, the European Commission has initiated and facilitated `joint programming’. Joint programming is a process by which Member States engage ... -
Ungdom og skolemåltidet
Bruland, Anne Beth Bjørlykke (Master thesis, 2011)Skolen er en viktig arena i det helsefremmende arbeidet. Målsettingen med denne undersøkelsen var å øke forståelsen for ungdoms valg av skolemat. Kunnskap om det fysiske og sosiale miljøets påvirkning på prosesser knyttet ...