Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Kleppe, Lise Cecilie"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Conflict prevention, de-escalation and restraint in children/youth inpatient and residential facilities: A systematic mapping review
Slaatto, Ane Jacobsen; Mellblom, Anneli; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Baugerud, Gunn Astrid; Kjøbli, John (Children and Youth Services Review;volume 127, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-21)Conflict and aggression are well-known concerns in youth inpatient and residential facilities, frequently affecting both the quality of youth care and the well-being of staff. Responses, such as restraint and seclusion ... -
Digital competence in social work education: readiness for practice
Fjeldheim, Siri; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Stang, Edda; Støren-Vaczy, Blanka (Social Work Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In line with the digital turn in service provision, social work students should acquire relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for work within digitalized welfare services. In Norway, these expectations are articulated ... -
En skjult ekskludering? En diskursanalyse av kategorien «pasienter med rusmiddelproblematikk» i møtet med palliativ behandling i livets sluttfase.
Moen-Nilsen, Cathrine (Master thesis, 2018)Ruslidelser utsetter helse – og omsorgstjenesten for store utfordringer, og det har omfattende kostnader på både individ – og samfunnsnivå. Bruk av ulike rusmidler har sammenheng med flere former for kroniske og uhelbredelige ... -
Et vell av muligheter? : En diskursanalyse av kategorien ”kvinnelige beboere i asylmottak.”
Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Master thesis, 2008-05)Tema for masteroppgaven er konstruksjonen av kategorien ”kvinner bosatt i asylmottak” og mulige konsekvenser for kvinnenes identitetskonstruksjoner. Oppgavens data er hentet fra et forskningsprosjekt bestilt av Amnesty ... -
Nursing textbooks conceptualization of nurses responsibilities related to the ideal of a holistic view of the patient: A critical analysis
Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Heggen, Kristin; Engebretsen, Eivind (Journal of Nursing Education and Practice;6(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-30)Objective: In nursing education, nurses are trained to perceive their patients as whole persons with mind, body, and spirit. This relates to the professional ideal of holism. This article focuses on how basic nursing ... -
Safety in Residential Youth Facilities: Staff Perceptions of Safety and Experiences of the "Basic Training Program in Safety and Security"
Slaatto, Ane; Mellblom, Anneli; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Baugerud, Gunn Astrid (Residential Treatment for Children & Youth;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-21)In inpatient and residential youth facilities, staff concerns over actual and potential aggression and conflict frequently affect both the quality of care and staff wellbeing. This study investigated 1) staff perceptions ... -
Samarbeid, demokrati og kvalitet : en dekonstruktiv lesing av Veileder for poliklinikker i psykisk helsevern for barn og unge
Armata, Franca (Master thesis, 2013)Denne masteroppgaven handler om samarbeid mellom terapeut og pasient i psykisk helse for barn og unge. Feltet psykisk helse har vært og er fortsatt preget av to tendenser i dagens Norge. Den ene har fokus på demokratisering ... -
Social support and recovery from mental health problems: a scoping review.
Bjørlykhaug, Knut Ivar; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Kim, Hesook Suzie; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Nordic Social Work Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-04)Several systematic reviews have suggested the linkages between social support and mental health or the use of mental health services in general. There is a need to develop the knowledge on different associations between ... -
Stang ut! Jenters idrettsdeltagelse i tenårene
Persson, Marlene Folkestad (OsloMet Avhandling 2022;Nr 19, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2022)I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg jenters synkende idrettsdeltagelse utover i tenårene. Utgangspunktet for undersøkelsen er spenningen mellom idrettens rolle i den likestillingsorienterte velferdsstaten på den ene siden ... -
Temporary Employment Agencies’ Role in Work Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees: Opportunities or a Permanent Precariat?
Støren-Vaczy, Blanka; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-12)Temporary employment agencies act as mediators between job-seekers with immigrant backgrounds and the labour market. We ask; do the agencies promote or inhibit participation and social inclusion among immigrants on the ... -
Youth in Residential Facilities: “Am I Safe?,” “Do I Matter?,” and “Do You Care?”
Slaatto, Ane; Kleppe, Lise Cecilie; Mellblom, Anneli; Baugerud, Gunn Astrid (Residential Treatment for Children & Youth;Volume 40, 2023 - Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Youth in residential facilities need to perceive that they are safe. Their perceptions of the quality of treatment and care they receive are affected by how staff behave toward and communication with them as well as by the ... -
“Youth voices matter!” Safety and meaningful participation: Perspectives of youth and staff in Norwegian residential facilities
Slaatto, Ane (OsloMet Avhandling;2024 no 45, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In recent years, safety considerations have been at the forefront of work with children and youth (hereafter, youth) in residential facilities. In particular, the awareness of safety as fundamental to staff-youth relationships ...