Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Johnston, Jamie"
The Academic Language Café, more than just coffee and cake. An analysis of how the university library supports the learning environment and integration of students with immigrant backgrounds
Henriksen, Dafne Lambrechts (Master thesis, 2023)This master’s thesis analyses how the academic library and its librarians support the learning environment and integration of immigrant-origin students through the service known as the Academic Language Café (ASK). The aim ... -
Den meråpne bølgen. En studie av meråpne UH-bibliotek i Norge
Halkinrud, Tina (Master thesis, 2019)Meråpent bibliotek er en forholdsvis ny tjeneste i både fag- og folkebibliotek. Her tilbys brukerne adgang til bibliotekets lokaler og resten av bibliotekets tjenester også når skranken ikke er betjent eller personalet er ... -
Ditt eller vårt? En studie av villigheten til ressursdeling i norske folkebibliotek, delingsvegring og Nasjonalbibliotekets rolle Masteroppgave
Høiby, Beate (Master thesis, 2018)Spørsmål rundt fjernlån og innlån i folkebiblioteksektoren er aktuelle. Debatten om hvordan foreliggende lover og retningslinjer skal forstås, blusser opp med ujevne mellomrom. Slik har det vært i mange år. Fjernlånet i ... -
Folkebiblioteket og frivilligheten: Frivilliges forventning og motivasjon
Åmo, Stina (Master thesis, 2019)Ved å bruke deskriptiv stakeholderteori som rammeverk presenterer denne studien resultatene fra en casebasert undersøkelse i Norge omkring hva motiverer de frivillige og hvordan deres forventninger til den frivillige ... -
For alle som bor på landet? Folkebibliotek i norske distriktskommuner og deres arbeid for å ha tjenester med kvalitet, allsidighet og aktualitet for alle
Davidsen, Unn (Master thesis, 2024)De fleste norske kommuner er distriktskommuner – noe som gjør at de fleste norske folkebibliotek er distriktsbibliotek. Denne undersøkelsen intervjuet åtte bibliotekansatte fra bibliotek i sentralitetsklasse 5 og 6 ... -
LAM professionals' roles and attitudes to user participation in Norway and Sweden
Johnston, Jamie; Huvila, Isto; Jochumsen, Henrik; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Mierzecka, Anna; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Recent studies provide insights into library, archive and museum (LAM) professionals' attitudes toward user participation, yet they do not address how the diversity of roles LAM professionals assume may influence their ... -
Librarians, archivists, and museum professionals’ role perceptions and cross sectoral collaboration – Signs of convergence?
Toth, Mate; Rasmussen, Casper Hvenegaard; Vårheim, Andreas; Johnston, Jamie; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Public libraries, archives, and museums have identifiable differences related to their founding missions and play many roles in today’s cultural sector and broader society, yet LAM institutions’ professional activities ... -
Libraries and Peacebuilding The role of public libraries in post-conflict societies: a systematic review
Qvortrup, Natalia (Bachelor thesis, 2017)The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the roles of libraries in post- conflict societies. It analyses the roles that public libraries have taken on to help re-build post- conflict societies ... -
Makerspaces i skandinaviske bibliotek: tilnærming og motivasjon - en casestudie
Olszeth, Lene (Bachelor thesis, 2017)Oppgavens tittel er Makerspaces i skandinaviske biblioteker: tilnærming og motivasjon- en casestudie. Makerspace vokser i popularitet i skandinaviske storbybiblioteker, og er et slags verksted hvor mennesker med lignende ... -
Professional identity of public librarians, archivists, and museum professionals in five European countries
Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Johnston, Jamie; Rydbeck, Kerstin; Vårheim, Andreas; Huvila, Isto; Tóth, Máté; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa; Mierzecka, Anna (Journal of Documentation;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: To investigate the professional identity of Public Library, Archive, and Museum (LAM) professionals in Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, and Sweden by administering three questionnaires. Methodology: The data ... -
Public libraries as an infrastructure for a sustainable public sphere: A comprehensive review of research
Audunson, Ragnar Andreas; Aabø, Svanhild; Blomgren, Roger; Evjen, Sunniva; Jochumsen, Henrik; Larsen, Håkon; Rasmussen, Casper Havnegaard; Vårheim, Andreas; Johnston, Jamie; Koizumi, Masanori (Journal of Documentation;Volume 75, Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-08)Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the shaping of public libraries as an infrastructure for a sustainable public sphere through a comprehensive literature review. Design/methodology/approach: In order to ... -
Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland
Johnston, Jamie; Mierzecka, Anna; Tóth, Máté; Paul, Magdalena; Kisilowska-Szurmińska, Małgorzata; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Vårheim, Andreas; Rydbeck, Kerstin; Jochumsen, Henrik; Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Casper; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa; Olson, Anna; Skare, Roswitha; Mathiasson, Mia (Journal of Librarianship and Information Science;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 led to Europe’s largest displacement of people since World War II, with significant substantial numbers of Ukrainian refugees seeking shelter in neighbouring countries. ... -
Public Library Programming and Events for Overcoming Social Divisions
Igarashi, Tomoya; Koizumi, Masanori; Johnston, Jamie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Increasing and persistent social divisions are a global challenge that threaten the stability of our societies and soundness of our democracies. Public libraries can potentially play an ameliorative role in reducing ... -
Russisk og polsk i norske folkebibliotek
Jamne, Einar Tokvam (Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har jeg sett nærmere på hvilken status og hvilket behov det er for russisk og polsk litteratur og språklig kompetanse i den norske folkebiblioteksektoren, for igjen å kunne si noe om hvordan dette best ... -
Språkkafé i Koronaens tid En studie av bibliotekets tilpasningsdyktighet
Kroff, Tatiana Romyni (Master thesis, 2021)Under koronapandemien i Norge måtte mange av bibliotekets tjenester suspenderes og språkkaféer var en av disse. Denne studien kartlegger hvordan språkkaféer har tilpasset seg under pandemien og gir et overblikk over ... -
Supporting immigrants' political integration through discussion and debate in public libraries
Johnston, Jamie; Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Using Habermas’ theory of the public sphere, this article examines the potential of conversation-based programming (e.g. conversation groups and language cafes) in public libraries to bring immigrant voices into the public ... -
Talking about picturebooks in libraries’ language cafes
Tveit, Åse Kristine; Johnston, Jamie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)How might picturebooks serve as reading and conversation materials in language cafes for international immigrants aiming to learn the local language? How might these books help foster meaningful exchanges between program ...