Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Heimer, Astrid Maria"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
AestPra – a meta-methodology for Art and Craft positioning of aesthetic practice in academic scientific research
Heimer, Astrid Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A vast number of research methods have been developed in recent decades to strengthen the creative arts as disciplinary fields. There is an obvious need for specific methods for the creative arts that established academic ... -
AV MED FOR Sandefjord
Bonden, Mari (MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler hvordan design kan være med å styrke små, lokale bedrifter. Metoder og designteorier basert på å skape aktiviteter, produkttilknytning, og opplevelser er brukt for å hjelpe bedriftene til ... -
Granstasjon: Et lokale for de lokale
Siljehaug, Sondre Angard (MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven studerer hvordan menneskesentrert design kan brukes til å kartlegge lokalbefolkningens ønsker for et nytt samlingslokale. Metoder som intervjuer, empirisk data og spørreundersøkelser er brukt for å kartlegge ... -
Nor-Gha: Jewelry inspired by Norwegian filigree and Ghanaian Sankofa symbol
Amevordzie, Elikem Akos (MAPD;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Cultural symbols from Norway and Ghana used in this project as a tool for jewelry design. The use of these symbols creates long lasting product that can contribute to cultural sustainability. The symbol selected from Ghana ... -
An olfactory journey towards jewelry
Runnestø, Lena (MAPD;2021, Master thesis, 2021)This thesis ventures into the realm of olfaction. The sense of smell has long been regarded as a less important sense, however this is changing. By exploring the olfactory system, and training the sense of smell, botanical ... -
An opportunity for user experience design in primary antibiotics adherence in children: A narrative-based product, driven by big-data and gamification principles
Razmi, Fatemeh (MAPD;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Regardless how effective medications are, if patients do not follow the prescribed instructions, the whole healthcare system would be compromised. Non-adherence with medication generally or antibiotics specifically is a ... -
The role of aesthetics in design education Leverage of creativity through concrete and abstract form exploration
Heimer, Astrid Maria (Techne Serien;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Design education has undergone transformations over time, although less emphasis has been placed on developing core areas such as form and aesthetics. Learning processes in design education are creative and comprehensive, ... -
The aesthetics of form knowledge: Embodied knowledge throughmaterialization
Heimer, Astrid Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article demonstrates an aesthetics of form knowledge, in the sense of knowledge that comes to us through the senses. The role of the body and material in understanding form are described from an inside perspective. ... -
Tilstede: Et prosjekt om relasjoner til en kopp
Grindertangen, Ida Eggum (MAPD;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Through this master's thesis, I have gone from working with ideas and sketches to ending up with a finished three-dimensional product. I have done this by using material-based research, by sketching directly in the material, ... -
Values of crafting in design education.
Heimer, Astrid Maria; Andreassen, Kristin; Haugen, Sigrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)VALUES OF CRAFTING IN DESIGN EDUCATION This paper demonstrates the manner in which craft enhances discussion in design education and how ‘experienced knowledge’ from materialised form processes raises perspectives ... -
Wonderground: An exploration of alternative playgrounds
Eriksen, Julian Hallen (MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Conventional playgrounds offer little variation and surprise for something considered to have great social and artistic potential in the city. Are these spaces becoming more about convenience than meaningful experience, ...