Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Fachry, Khairun Nisa"
Overview of the INEX 2008 Interactive Track
Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)This paper presents the organization of the INEX 2008 interactive track. In this year’s iTrack we aimed at exploring the value of element retrieval for two different task types, fact-finding and research tasks. Two research ... -
Overview of the INEX 2009 Interactive Track
Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fuhr, Norbert; Beckers, Thomas; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;6203, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)In the paper we present the organization of the INEX 2009 interactive track. For the 2009 experiments the iTrack has gathered data on user search behavior in a collection consisting of book metadata taken from the online ...