Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess"
Covid-19 blant innvandrere i Norge, vurdering av tiltak og erfaringer fra felt, delrapport 1
Arnesen, Trude Margrete; Bjørbæk, Mona; Brekke, Jan-Paul; Duahle, Hodon; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Eide, Helena Niemi; Ezzati, Rojan Tordhol; Fevåg, Julie; Flatø, Martin; Fretheim, Atle; Gawad, Mohamed; Gele, Abdi Ali; Godøy, Anna Aasen; Grøtting, Maja Weemes; Hernæs, Kjersti Helene; Hussaini, Lema; Kristoffersen, Anja Bråthen; Labberton, Angela Susan; Lindman, Anja Elsrud Schou; Mohammed, Naeema Saeed Sheekh; Nordstrøm, Charlott Elise Gyllenhammar; Qureshi, Samera Azeem; Spilker, Ragnhild Anne Caroline Storste; Strand, Bjørn Heine; Telle, Kjetil Elias; Tsige, Selam Andegiorgis; Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann (Research report, 2021-07-05)Pandemien har vært preget av stadige endringer i smittetrykk, kunnskapsnivå og tiltaksbyrde. Dette kapittelet forsøker å peke på noen overordnede læringspunkter fra analysene som er presentert senere i rapporten. Punktene ... -
Covid-19. Dør-til-dør-aksjoner, mobile teststasjoner og endring i testandel blant norsk- og utenlandsfødte i bydel Stovner, Oslo
Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Fretheim, Atle (Research report, 2021-03-25)Høy testandel er viktig i arbeidet mot spredning av covid-19. Stovner bydel gjennomførte dør-til-dør-aksjoner der innbyggerne ble oppfordret til å teste seg, i februar-mars 2021. I tilknytning til aksjonene ble det utplassert ... -
The Evaluation of a Social Media Campaign to Increase COVID-19 Testing in Migrant Groups: Cluster Randomized Trial
Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Fretheim, Atle; Indseth, Thor; Munch, Anita Thorolvsen; Johannessen, Live Bøe; Hansen, Christine Engh (Journal of Medical Internet Research;Vol 24, No 3 (2022): March, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-24)Background: A low test positivity rate is key to keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Throughout the pandemic, several migrant groups in Norway have seen higher rates of confirmed COVID-19 and related hospitalizations, ... -
GP phone calls to improve COVID-19 vaccine uptake among patients at increased risk of severe COVID-19: a randomised trial
Tuv, Marit; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Furuseth, Ellen; Holst, Christine; Helleve, Arnfinn; Fretheim, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: English media have reported that many unvaccinated individuals took the COVID-19 vaccine after receiving a phone call from their GP. Aim: To determine whether phone calls from GPs to unvaccinated patients at ... -
Increased COVID-19 testing rates following combined door-to-door and mobile testing facility campaigns in Oslo, Norway, a difference-in-difference analysis
Vinjerui, Kristin Hestmann; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Fretheim, Atle (International Journal of Environmental Research and PuInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH);Volume 18 / Issue 21, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-21)High testing rates limit COVID-19 transmission. Attempting to increase testing rates, Stovner District in Oslo, Norway, combined door-to-door campaigns with easy access testing facilities. We studied the intervention’s ... -
Personal protective effect of wearing surgical face masks in public spaces on self-reported respiratory symptoms in adults: pragmatic randomised superiority trial
Solberg, Runar Barstad; Fretheim, Atle; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Fagernes, Mette; Iversen, Bjørn Gunnar; Hemkens, Lars G.; Rose, Christopher James; Elstrøm, Petter (The BMJ;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective: To evaluate the personal protective effects of wearing versus not wearing surgical face masks in public spaces on self-reported respiratory symptoms over a 14 day period. Design: Pragmatic randomised superiority ... -
Strengthening research preparedness for crises: lessons from Norwegian government agencies in using randomized trials and quasi-experimental methods to evaluate public policy interventions
Gopinathan, Unni; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Dalsbø, Therese Kristine; Bjørbæk, Mona; Fretheim, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)During public health crises such as pandemics, governments must rapidly adopt and implement wide-reaching policies and programs (“public policy interventions”). A key takeaway from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ...