Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Buch, Robert"
Alltid på – fra indre motivert til oppsigelse. En studie om de modererende effektene fra skjult arbeid og kompetanse på sammenhengen mellom indre motivasjon og turnoverintensjoner
Bruce, Mia Bauer; Haukdal, Bendik (Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study has been to explore the relationship between intrinsic motivation and turnover intentions. We also included a moderator to explore if supplementary work will affect this relationship. A second ... -
Betydningen av utviklende medarbeidersamtaler for ansattorganisasjon- relasjonen. En studie av sammenhengen mellom utviklende medarbeidersamtaler og arbeidsinnsats, ekstrarolleatferd og organisasjonsforpliktelse, og den medierende rollen til det opplevde bytteforholdet til organisasjonen
Tosterud, Maren Bye (Master thesis, 2017)Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom medarbeideres opplevelse av utviklende medarbeidersamtaler og deres arbeidsinnsats, ekstrarolleatferd, affektive organisasjonsforpliktelse og kalkulerende ... -
Den effektive konsulenten. Sammenhengen mellom opplevde psykologiske kontrakter hos konsulentselskapet med relasjon til klientselskapet
Nordstrøm, Jonna; Christy, Sujantha Mathuranayagam (Master thesis, 2017)I denne studien utvikler vi og tester en modell som lenker konsulenters opplevelse av psykologiske kontrakter hos konsulentselskapet med relasjonen til klientselskapet de jobber i til daglig, og dernest ser vi på ulike ... -
Distribuert ledelse i skolen. Effekt på profesjonelle læringsfellesskap og skolekvalitet?
Reite, Eivind Funder (Master thesis, 2020)Formålet med denne studien har vært å undersøke sammenhenger mellom distribuert ledelse og utfall i skolen mediert av variablene samarbeid, relasjoner og kunnskapsdeling. Det har blitt undersøkt for både direkte effekter ... -
Do you get what you pay for? Sales incentives and implications for motivation and changes in turnover intention and work effort
Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert; Gagne, Marylene; Dysvik, Anders; Forest, Jacques (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This study investigated relations between pay-for-performance incentives designed to vary in instrumentality (annual pay-for-performance, quarterly pay-for-performance, and base pay level) and employee outcomes (self-reported ... -
Employee attributions and employee exchange relationships: the moderating role of leader-member exchange
Frøland, Emma C. Vatnehol; Ørsje, Kine Kløve (Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the association between employees’ attributions towards downsizing and exchange relationship between employee and organization are moderated by employees’ ... -
Engaging the age-diverse workforce: the interplay between personal and contextual resources
Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Buch, Robert (Personnel Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: The purpose of this study was to advance research on work-related well-being and age by using a life-span approach to investigate the relationship between mastery goal orientation and work engagement during various ... -
Fastlønn og arbeidsinnsats
Aanerød, Tonje (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)Oppgaven undersøker om effekten av fastlønn på arbeidsinnsats avhenger av indre- og(eller) ytre motivasjon. -
Follower jealousy at work: A test of Vecchio’s model of antecedents and consequences of jealousy
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert; Glasø, Lars (Journal of Psychology;Volume 152, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The present study tests the validity of Robert P. Vecchio's seminal work on antecedents and consequences of jealousy. Specifically, we examine whether antecedents such as in-group status, supervisory considerateness, and ... -
The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars (Journal of General Management (JGM);Volume: 46, issue: 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-30)The relationships between transformational leaders and several follower outcomes have been well investigated, but the mechanism through which these leadership behaviors relate to such outcomes is relatively unexplored. By ... -
The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars (Journal of General Management (JGM);Volume: 46, issue: 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-30)The relationships between transformational leaders and several follower outcomes have been well investigated, but the mechanism through which these leadership behaviors relate to such outcomes is relatively unexplored. By ... -
Individual Pay for Performance, Controlling Effects, and Intrinsic Motivation
Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders (Motivation and Emotion; 44, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-19)A core question in research on compensation and motivation is whether individual variable pay for performance (IVPFP) can undermine intrinsic motivation in the workplace. We investigated the mediating role of a controlling ... -
Leader self-efficacy and role ambiguity and follower leader-member exchange
Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-17)Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate whether leader self-efficacy and leader role ambiguity are related to follower LMX. In addition, we examine whether the relationship between follower LMX and turnover ... -
Leader-member exchange relationships and follower outcomes: The mediating role of perceiving goals as invariable
Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert (Human Resource Management;Volume 57, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01)In the present study, we investigated whether perceiving goals as invariable mediated the link between leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships and role overload, turnover intention, and work performance. Perceiving goals ... -
A Literature Review of Social and Economic Leader-Member Exchange
Andersen, Ingvild; Buch, Robert; Kuvaas, Bård (Frontiers in Psychology;July 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 1474, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-08)Leader–member exchange (LMX) research has increasingly relied upon the social exchange theory (SET) as a theoretical foundation, but the dominating way of measuring LMX has not followed this theoretical development ... -
LMX SOM ÅRSAK TIL MOTIVASJONSKLIMA. Hvordan ledere er med på å forme medarbeidernes opplevelse av motivasjonsklima via SLMX og ELMX
Solberg, Amalie; Norås, Anja (Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this study was to investigate if political skill moderates the relationship between leader-member-exchange relationships (LMX) and the experience of motivational climate. Research has divided LMX into two ... -
LMX-relasjoner og det å oppfatte mål som ufravikelige: Den modererende rollen til målorientering
Holtung, Thor Anders Johansen; Johansson, Mats (Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study was to research the relationship between the type of leader-member exchange relationship (LMX) and perceiving goals as invariable (PGI). Furthermore, we wanted to research whether the employee's ... -
Low-quality LMX Relationships, Leader Incivility, and Follower Responses
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert; Glasø, Lars (Journal of General Management;Vol 44, Issue 1, 2018, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-10)The present study focus on the quality of the leader-member exchange relationship as a potential antecedent of workplace incivility. Furthermore, affective and behavioral responses of those exposed to incivility by their ... -
Læringstrykk og utbrenthet: Den modererende rollen til psykologisk jobbkontroll
Bøtun, Tanita (Master thesis, 2015)Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom læringstrykk og utbrenthet, inkludert den modererende rollen til psykologisk jobbkontroll. Læringstrykk ble operasjonalisert som en utfordringsstressor, i ... -
The Mediating and Moderating Role of LMX on the Relationship Between Feedback and Motivational Climate
Rødsvik, Odd Martin; Marjara, Simran Kaur (Master thesis, 2023)Motivational Climate is crucial for organisations to achieve their goals, maintain competitiveness, and promote employee well-being and work performance. This study aims to explore the relationship between feedback and ...