Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Berg, Ida Uppstrøm"
Private art collectors on motivations to donate, deposit, or lend out artworks in Norway
Berg, Ida Uppstrøm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Based on interviews with twelve art collectors, the following paper investigates the motivations driving art collectors to engage in donations, deposits, and short-term loans to publicly funded art museums, using Norway ... -
Private kunstdonasjoner og lokal politikk: Kontroversene rundt etablering av skulpturpark på Ekeberg i Oslo
Larsen, Håkon; Stokstad, Sigrid; Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Berg, Ida Uppstrøm (Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift;Årgang 24, nr. 2-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-14)Private donasjoner har blitt utpekt som en av de underliggende mekanismene som former den politiske dynamikken i kultursektoren, og det er i Norge en lang historie for at privatpersoner donerer eller finansierer kunst som ... -
Public art and private wealth: the controversial collaboration between the national museum in Norway and Fredriksen Family Art Company Ltd
Berg, Ida Uppstrøm; Larsen, Håkon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There has been much discussion in the US and European media about the evolving relationship between wealthy private art collectors and underfunded public art museums. This paper examines the public debate regarding the ... -
To receive and to give something back – director’s perspectives on public – private collaborations in Norwegian art museums
Berg, Ida Uppstrøm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The rapid growth of private museums, contemporary art, and the emergence of private collectors has changed public museums’ room for action and placed heightened pressure on museum directors worldwide. In recent years, ...