Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Andreassen, Kristin"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
AV MED FOR Sandefjord
Bonden, Mari (MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler hvordan design kan være med å styrke små, lokale bedrifter. Metoder og designteorier basert på å skape aktiviteter, produkttilknytning, og opplevelser er brukt for å hjelpe bedriftene til ... -
The digital workshop zone of proximal development – student shopping amongst advanced production processes
Andreassen, Kristin; Lyche, Wenche; Haugen, Sigrid (Conference object, 2019)How do we train product design students’ creative skills using traditional material processing techniques and advanced production processes using Vygotzky’s zone of proximal development as a pedagogical tool? Over the ... -
Parametric design thinking about digital and material surface patterns
Lyche, Wenche; Berg, Arild; Andreassen, Kristin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)There is a growing need in contemporary society to understand new and emerging relationships between technology and creativity. In practice-oriented areas of education such as design, many instructors have come to understand ... -
Solsølja: Redefining Norwegian folk costume jewelry
Gulliksen, Cathrine (MAPD;2021, Master thesis, 2021)This thesis focuses on how søljer can be redesigned to be more universal and inclusive. The project was carried out using practice-based research. The Sølje is a traditional Norwegian folk costume jewelry. Sølje today ... -
Values of crafting in design education.
Heimer, Astrid Maria; Andreassen, Kristin; Haugen, Sigrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)VALUES OF CRAFTING IN DESIGN EDUCATION This paper demonstrates the manner in which craft enhances discussion in design education and how ‘experienced knowledge’ from materialised form processes raises perspectives ...