Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Øverbye, Einar"
Access to health care among marginal groups in Lima, Peru
Gonzalez, Mayra Elizabeth Urquizo (Master thesis, 2019)In the World 400 million people do not have access to essential health services. The rapid growth rate of the population and increasing urbanization calls for an analysis of the perceived access to health care services and ... -
Challenges for implementation of the health insurance program in Nepal: Implementer's perspectives
Paudel, Binita (Master thesis, 2021)ntroduction: The National Health Insurance Program is one of the most significant policy initiatives by the Nepal government. The program was started in 2016 as a pilot project in three districts with the objectives to ... -
Conditional cash transfers as a risk management and poverty reduction strategy: a literature review and an assessment of barriers that hinder the full implementation of livelihood empowerment against poverty (LEAP) in Ghana
Danquah, Jones Kwame Adom (Master thesis, 2019)Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) is the largest social intervention policy in Ghana directed mainly to the poor and vulnerable. Since its first implementation in 2008, the aim of the LEAP programme is the ... -
Crowding out or crowding in informal safety nets? : the role of formal social protection targeted at addressing child poverty in South Africa
Chomutare, Gillian Fred (Master thesis, 2012)Formal social protection in the form of cash transfers has been adopted as one of the strategies for addressing child poverty in South Africa. The Child Support Grant (CSG) established in 1998, is the largest social ... -
Diffusing Contribution-Based Social Security Fund (CBSSF) in Nepal: Understanding the Causes of Low Take-Up
Khulal, Kumar (Master thesis, 2023)Introduction The government of Nepal introduced the Social Security Act in 2018 which incorporated comprehensive social security schemes such as old age pensions, gratuity, dependent family protection, medical benefits, ... -
Dilemmas when implementing conditional cash transfers: Lessons for Ghana and the rest of us
Danquah, Jones; Øverbye, Einar (International Social Security Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Using the Ghanaian LEAP benefit programme as a case study, we investigate how administrators, service personnel and beneficiaries perceive and respond to implementation dilemmas. The investigation focuses on the LEAP benefit ... -
Discrimination against ethnic minorities in activation programme? Evidence from a vignette experiment.
Terum, Lars Inge; Torsvik, Gaute; Øverbye, Einar (Journal of Social Policy;Volume 47, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01)We conducted a vignette experiment involving 470 Norwegian front-line workers to investigate whether their decisions to sanction non-compliance of activation requirements varied with the ethnicity of the welfare claimant. ... -
Er selektivisme bedre enn universalisme i velferdspolitikken?
Øverbye, Einar (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 1-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-05)Det har blitt stadig vanligere å karakterisere norske velferdsordninger som «universelle»,også i autoritative politiske dokumenter. Det reiser spørsmålet om hva som karakteriserer universelle velferdsordninger, og om ... -
Eradication of Polio in Tribal Areas of Pakistan: A comparative analysis of the situation before and after the inclusion of Tribal areas into the Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa (KPK) province of Pakistan.
Shakir, Alamgir (Master thesis, 2022)The study analyzes the eradication of polio in the tribal areas of Pakistan by employing a qualitative methodology for the collection of data and thematic analysis for subsequent analysis of the collected data. The data ... -
Esop : et forskningssenter med definisjonsmakt
Øverbye, Einar (Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift;47 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Evaluation of social inequalities in health on different health indicators across several social dimensions in Ghana
Owusu, Thomas Marcus (Master thesis, 2023)Aim: To evaluate the social inequalities in Ghana’s health sector on different health indicators across several social dimensions in Ghana. Background: In recent decades, global health indicators have improved, yet ... -
Fertility, Gap Between Ideal and Reality: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Fertility Decline in 17 High-Income Countries
Haruta, Miki (Master thesis, 2020)To maintain the current population of a country in the long run, the key threshold of the fertility level is 2.1 births per women. Among the approximately 80 countries that so far have reached this so-called replacement ... -
Has NCMS improved equity in access to healthcare for the Chinese rural population? - An assessment based on the framework “benchmarks of fairness”
Biao, He (Master thesis, 2019)Introduction: The collapse of the previous medical insurance made most of the rural population restricted to healthcare services. The launching of NCMS since 2003 has been expected to help change this severe situation. ... -
Implementation of the Paris Declaration on aid coordination: A literature review and a case study of the Ethiopian health sector
Gebreselassie, Mirtu Beyene (Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this literature review is to examine in detail the structure (architecture) of aid in Ethiopia´s health sector vis-à-vis the Paris declaration on aid coordination. The focus is giving a literature review on the ... -
The meaning of vaccination. How do parents in India justify a choice no to vaccinate their children?
Thomas, Thejes Thankam (Master thesis, 2019)Even though the government emphasize on the importance of immunization in India, the vaccine preventable diseases are still prevailing in the country. The perception of parents regarding vaccines vary according to different ... -
Når vilkår og aktivitetskrav brytes. Frontlinjearbeideres tilnærming til sanksjoner
Terum, Lars Inge; Torsvik, Gaute; Øverbye, Einar (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 34, nr. 3-2017, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Frontlinjearbeiderne i NAV skal avklare behov og rettigheter, men også stille krav, aktivere og sanksjonere. Artikkelen studerer hvordan frontlinjearbeidere tilnærmer seg situasjoner der stønadsmottakere ikke imøtekommer ... -
Nudge fudge or crystal clear? Investigating nudges and how they work
Sande, Victoria (Master thesis, 2016)Recently there has been growing interest in the use of “nudges” as a policy tool and their potential to solve some of society’s biggest problems, such as obesity or climate change. Thaler and Sunstein in their influential ... -
Pension system reforms in Argentina : why the u-turn?
Rickert, Silvia I. Reyna (Master thesis, 2012)The 2008 Argentine pension reform represented a new change of paradigm in the country’s pension policy. It encompassed the elimination of the fully funded, defined contribution (DC), private tier of the so-called Integrated ... -
Prospective register-based study of the impact of immigration on educational inequalities in mortality in Norway
Elstad, Jon Ivar; Øverbye, Einar; Dahl, Espen (BMC public health;15(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-11)Background: Differences in mortality with regard to socioeconomic status have widened in recent decades in many European countries, including Norway. A rapid upsurge of immigration to Norway has occurred since the 1990s. ... -
Pursuit of Social Legitimacy - A Case Study on Rhetorical Strategies Used by the Six Largest Pharmaceutical Companies to Restore Social Legitimacy
Aurmo, Erlend (Master thesis, 2016)Legitimacy has become one of the most critical issues for corporations, and especially for the global pharmaceutical industry, which is facing a fading reputation and increasing industry mistrust. Over the past few years ...