Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Title
Now showing items 6414-6433 of 17493
Grenser for individualisering.
(NOVA Rapport 4/04, Research report, 2004)Traditional ways of understanding youth have lately been challenged by theories of a new modernity.The author asks the following questions:- Do we need new terms about a new modernity to understand youth today?- Or, do old ... -
Grenser for norskhet? Om barns medborgerskap og kulturelt mangfold i barnehagen
(Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift;99(03), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Er norskhet et inkluderende begrep, eller er det grenser for norskhet i barnehagen? Tematiseres barns medvirkning i sammenheng med kulturelt mangfold? Artikkelen diskuterer forståelser av norskhet og et flerkulturelt ... -
Grenser for skolens ansvar? Skolelederes perspektiv på mandat i det frafallsforebyggende arbeidet
(Nordisk administrativt tidsskrift;Årg 96 Nr 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Etter Reform 94 har de videregående skolene i Norge fått et økt ansvar for at flest mulig unge gjennomfører videregående opplæring. Samtidig er skolenes mandat for frafallsforebygging uklart, og det er opp til ledelsen og ... -
Grenser for velferd
(NIBR-notat 2003:121, Notat, 2003)Notatet bygger på to oppdrag fra Kommunenes Sentralforbund. KS ba NIBR se på henholdsvis partiprogrammer og stortingsdokumenter med utgangspunkt i et spørsmål om politikere trekker grenser for velferdsstatens ytelser. ... -
Grep for langtidsbevaring - hvordan bevare læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-05-29)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg et fagsystem som eies av Utdanningsdirektoratet og som går under navnet Grep. Fagsystemet er brukt som case og med en kvalitativ litteraturstudie har jeg sett på hvilke at de to norske ... -
"... Grete Roede kurs, liksom. Hallo? Kjerring?!" En kvalitativ studie av menns erfaringer med slankekurs
(Master thesis, 2011)Slanking har tradisjonelt vært et mindre interessant tema for menn enn for kvinner, og menn praktiserer i mindre grad kunnskap om mat og helse i hverdagen. Samtidig øker overvekt mer blant menn, enn blant kvinner. Tidligere ... -
GridHTM: Grid-Based Hierarchical Temporal Memory for Anomaly Detection in Videos
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The interest in video anomaly detection systems that can detect different types of anomalies, such as violent behaviours in surveillance videos, has gained traction in recent years. The current approaches employ deep ... -
Gripes mulighetene? Om lesestunder med de yngste barna i barnehagen
(Nordisk Barnehageforskning;Vol. 19, No. 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-19)Studien retter seg mot høytlesningspraksiser i barnehagen, og belyser samspillet rundt bøker som finner sted mellom barnehageansatte og barn, avgrenset til småbarn (0–3 år). Til grunn for diskusjonene er et videomateriale ... -
Grounded Theory Analysis of Work-based TVET and Intersectional Challenges Between Construction Workers
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;Volume 11 ❚ Number 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this study, I examine training in the work-based part of Norwegian technical vocational education and training (TVET). The TVET model includes two years in school followed by two years of apprenticeship at an authorized ... -
Group climate development in cognitive and interpersonal group therapy for social phobia
(Group Dynamics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11-08)This study was designed as a longitudinal study of 80 participants in cognitive group therapy (RCT, n = 40) and interpersonal group therapy (RIPT, n = 40) for social phobia during 10 weeks of residential therapy. The aim ... -
Group coaching that promotes self-Efficacy and role clarity among school leaders
(Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;Published online 29 Aug 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-20)Group coaching is emerging as an approach with a strong potential for developing leadership competencies. However, there is little research on its use in the professional training of school leaders. In this study, we ... -
Group dynamics and peer-tutoring: A pedagogical tool for learning in higher education
(International Education Studies;5(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The increasing diversity in students’ enrolment in higher education in Norway offers an opportunity to use collaborative learning and teamwork as a learning vehicle to exploit the synergy in the community to have formal ... -
Group Teaching in Plenum: Active Learning in Labour Law
(Læring om læring;Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Proceedings fra Læringsfestivalen 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-17)In order to maximize active learning and foster the development of legal skills (e.g. the ability to identify legal questions in practical cases, use relevant legal sources, etc.) we combine elements of group teaching and ... -
Group-based multimodal physical therapy in women with chronic pelvic pain: A randomized controlled trial
(Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica;Volume 99, Issue 10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-09)Introduction: Chronic pelvic pain in women is a complex condition, and physical therapy is recommended as part of a broader treatment approach. The objective of this study was to compare structured group-based multimodal ... -
Group-based patient education via videoconference: A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: To summarize recent evidence on the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of videoconference (VC) group-based patient and caregiver education. Methods: Systematic searches of the literature were conducted. ... -
A growing body of knowledge
(Science & Education;30 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-28)Science deals with the world around us, and we understand, experience, and study this world through and with our bodies. While science educators have started to acknowledge the critical role of the body in science learning, ... -
Growing numbers of older immigrants in Norway’s future labour force - and how low emigration among older immigrants can make it possible to project their future education, employment and urbanity - EXITNORWAY POLICY BRIEF No 1
(NIBR-kortnotat;2021:1, Research report, 2021-05)According to population projections, the number of immigrants in Norway will increase in the future, but exclusively in older age groups. The number of immigrants aged 55-66 years is expected to increase threefold within ... -
Growth mindset and the capacity for learning
(MALKS;2021, Master thesis, 2021)The topic pertaining to motivation has been a theme that has had long history within scientific research. A number of theories have tried to dedicate themselves in the investigation of this phenomenon. One such field ... -
Growth mindset theory and culture: An additional perspective on future development of measurement tools and interventions
(MALKS;2021, Master thesis, 2021)The growth mindset framework has attained the status of a prominent motivational theory, assuming a causal relationship between mindsets and performance levels. The level and type of mindset are established using questionnaires. ... -
Grunneiersamarbeid for gjennomføring av byutvikling
(NIBR-rapport;2019:21, Research report, 2020-01)Denne rapporten ser på mulighetene for å få til et samarbeid mellom eksisterende grunneierne i slike områder. Rapporten analyserer åtte konkrete grunneiersamarbeider. På grunnlag av disse beskrives prosessen fram til ...