Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Myhrstad, Mari"
Now showing items 21-37 of 37
High-quality fish oil has a more favourable effect than oxidised fish oil on intermediate-density lipoprotein and LDL subclasses: a randomised controlled trial
Rundblad, Amanda; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ottestad, Inger; Myhrstad, Mari; Ulven, Stine Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fish oil (FO) supplementation reduces the risk of CVD. However, it is not known if FO of different qualities have different effects on lipoprotein subclasses in humans. We aimed at investigating the effects of oxidised FO ... -
Increased protein intake affects pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) processing, immune function and IGF signaling in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of home-dwelling old subjects using a genome-wide gene expression approach
Ulven, Stine Marie; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Rundblad, Amanda; Flatberg, Arnar; Myhrstad, Mari; Karlsen, Karina; Mutt, Shivaprakash; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Ottestad, Inger; Gjevestad, Gyrd Omholt (Genes and Nutrition;14, Article number: 32 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-28)Background: Adequate protein intake among older adults is associated with better health outcomes such as immune function and metabolic regulation of skeletal muscle, but conflicting results make it difficult to define the ... -
Inntak av surdeigsbrød og effekt på C-peptid, blodlipider og mineraler sammenlignet med gjærbrød: En randomisert kontrollert studie
Gjøvik, Mia (MAEH;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn og hensikt I Norge er brød og kornvarer den viktigste kilden til fiber i kosten. Det er sett en nedgang i inntaket av brød de siste tiårene, samtidig som det er sett en økende interesse for surdeigsbrød. Studier ... -
Intake of beta-glucan and effect on lipid metabolism in relation to gut microbiota in healthy individuals.
Stegelvik, Tina (MAEH;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Background Intake of beta-glucan, a soluble dietary fiber, for minimum 2 weeks may lower serum cholesterol. Soluble dietary fibers are subjected to colonic fermentation, resulting in the production of metabolites that can ... -
Intake of beta-glucan changes satiety and markers of gut microbiota in healthy, normal weight individuals
Høgvard, Benedicte (MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Background: Obesity is one of today´s major public health issues, and understanding the mechanisms that control human appetite has gained increased attention. Certain dietary fibres, such as beta-glucan, has been shown to ... -
Intake of sourdough bread and effects on gut symptoms and gut microbiota compared to baker’s yeast bread: A randomized controlled study
Watters, Solveig Ivara (MAEH;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Surdeigsbrød er sett å ha mindre innhald av FODMAPs, og kan derfor vere ei alternativ kjelde til fiber for dei som opplev mageplagar. Hensikt: Hensikta med denne studia er å undersøke endringar i tarmsymptom ... -
An Isocaloric Nordic Diet Modulates RELA and TNFRSF1A Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome—A SYSDIET Sub-Study
Ulven, Stine Marie; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Rundblad, Amanda; Myhrstad, Mari; Leder, Lena; Dahlman, Ingrid; De Mello, Vanessa D.; Schwab, Ursula; Carlberg, Carsten; Pihlajamaki, Jussi; Hermansen, Kjeld; Dragested, Lars; Gunnarsdottir, Ingibjørg; Cloetens, Lieselotte; Åkesson, Bjørn; Rosqvist, Fredrik; Hukkanen, Janne; Herzig, Karl-Heinz; Savolainen, Markku J.; Risérus, Ulf; Thorsdottir, Inga; Poutanen, Kaisa S.; Arner, Peter; Uusitupa, Matti; Kolehmainen, Marjukka (Nutrients;Volume 11, Issue 12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-03)A healthy dietary pattern is associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and reduced inflammation. To explore this at the molecular level, we investigated the effect of a Nordic diet (ND) on changes in the ... -
Kartlegging av skriftlig informasjonsmateriell om sunn mat rettet mot ansvarlige for mattilbudet idrettsarena
Ventola, Minna Marita (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Skriftlig informasjonsmateriell er identifisert som en del av systematiske tiltak for å utvikle mattilbudet på idrettsarena. På bakgrunn av at det finnes ingen kvalitetskontroll for denne typen informasjonsmateriell, ... -
Kartlegging av totalkolesterol og nutrition literacy blant personer med høy sosioøkonomisk status i form av høyere utdannelse ved OsloMet: En tverrsnittstudie
Fjelberg, Vibeke; Sorprud, Anita (MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn og hensikt Hjerte- og karsykdommer er en av de viktigste årsakene til sykdom og død på verdensbasis, og en av de viktigste risikofaktorene er forhøyede kolesterolnivåer i blodbanen. Nutrition literacy innebærer ... -
Nutrient content in gluten free and gluten containing products
Slydahl, Marlene Mari (MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Background: Gluten free diet is the only treatment for persons with celiac disease. In recent years the interest for gluten free products has increased and gluten free products are perceived to be a healthier alternative ... -
Nutritional quality and costs of gluten-free products: a case-control study of food products on the Norwegian marked
Myhrstad, Mari; Slydahl, Marlene Mari; Hellmann, Monica; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Lundin, Knut Erik Aslaksen; Henriksen, Christine; Telle-Hansen, Vibeke (Journal of Food and Nutrition Research;VOL 65 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-26)Background: Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disease triggered by gluten exposure in genetically predisposed individuals. A life-long intake of a gluten-free (GF) diet is required for its management. Wheat, rye and ... -
Oxidised fish oil does not influence established markers of oxidative stress in healthy human subjects: a randomised controlled trial
Ottestad, Inger; Vogt, Kjell Gjermund; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Myhrstad, Mari; Haugen, John-Erik; Nilsson, Astrid; Ravn-Haren, Gitte; Nordvi, Berit; Brønner, Kirsti Wettre; Andersen, Lene Frost; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ulven, Stine Marie (British Journal of Nutrition;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Intake of fish oil reduces the risk of CHD and CHD deaths. Marine n-3 fatty acids (FA) are susceptible to oxidation, but to our knowledge, the health effects of intake of oxidised fish oil have not previously been ... -
Plasma fatty acid levels and gene expression related to lipid metabolism in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: A cross-sectional study in healthy subjects
Larsen, Sunniva Veen; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ottestad, Inger; Dagsland, Kine Margrethe; Myhrstad, Mari; Ulven, Stine Marie (Genes & Nutrition;2018 13:9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-10)Background: Solid evidence indicates that intake of marine n-3 fatty acids lower serum triglycerides, and that replacing saturated fatty acids (SFA) with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reduces plasma total cholesterol ... -
Plasma fatty acids and expression of genes related to lipid metabolism
Dagsland, Kine Næss (MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Background: The amount and type of fatty acids in the diet may influence the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Fatty acids is known to modulate the expression of genes, which could have an impact on cardiovascular ... -
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
Telle-Hansen, Vibeke; Gaundal, Line; Myhrstad, Mari (Nutrients;Volume 11, Issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-10)The impact of dietary fat on the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been extensively studied in recent decades. Solid evidence indicates that replacing saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with polyunsaturated fatty acids ... -
Replacing saturated fatty acids with polyunsaturated fatty acids increases the abundance of Lachnospiraceae and is associated with reduced total cholesterol levels-a randomized controlled trial in healthy individuals
Telle-Hansen, Vibeke; Gaundal, Line; Bastani, Nasser Ezzatkhah; Rud, Ida; Byfuglien, Marte G.; Gjøvaag, Terje; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ulven, Stine Marie; Myhrstad, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Improving dietary fat quality strongly affects serum cholesterol levels and hence the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Recent studies have identified dietary fat as a potential modulator of the gut microbiota, a ... -
The PBMC transcriptome profile after intakeof oxidized versus high-quality fish oil: anexplorative study in healthy subjects
Myhrstad, Mari; Ottestad, Inger; Günther, Clara-Cecilie; Ryeng, Einar; Holden, Marit; Nilsson, Astrid; Brønner, Kirsti Wettre; Kohler, Achim; Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ulven, Stine Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-31)Background: Marine long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are susceptible to oxidation, generating a range of different oxidation products with suggested negative health effects. The aim of the present study was to ...