Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Title
Now showing items 15770-15789 of 17441
Translating the viewing position in single equirectangular panoramic images
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)Equirectangular panoramas are popular tools for achieving 360 degree immersed viewing experiences. A panorama captures a scene from one point and panoramic viewers allow the user to control the viewing direction, but the ... -
Translation in transit: what changes does digital information bring into translation work?
(Information research;Vol. 24 No. 1, March, 2019 - Proceedings of ISIC: The Information Behaviour Conference, Krakow, Poland, 9-11 October, 2018: Part 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03)Introduction: In this paper, we investigate consequences of digitalization of information sources and channels for translators on basis of their experiences and views. We aim to shed light on changes in their everyday work ... -
Transmission matrices used in epidemiologic modelling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Mixing matrices are included in infectious disease models to reflect transmission oppor- tunities between population strata. These matrices were originally constructed on the basis of theoretical considerations and most ... -
Transmission of food literacy to youth in Norwegian childcare institutions – a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Youth in childcare institutions may have lower levels of food literacy compared to other youth. Food literacy, indicating the ability to plan and prepare meals from scratch, is associated with consuming healthier ... -
Transmission of health care-associated infectionsfrom roommates and prior room occupants:a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Pathogens that cause health care-associated infections (HAIs) are known to survive on surfaces and equipment in health care environments despite routine cleaning. As a result, the infection status of prior room occupants ... -
Transnational academic mobility in universities: the impact on a departmental and an interpersonal level
(Higher Education;volume 81, issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06-03)This article deals with internationalization in the field of higher education, focusing on the impact of transnational academic mobility on the university communities. Drawing on the results of a qualitative research study ... -
Transnational contextualisation: seeing the world from there, here and in-between
(Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-04)This article discusses experiences harvested when communicating migration research from an academic position as media researcher, partly influenced by other positions. It discusses transnational literacy illustrated by the ... -
Transnational convergence of public procurement policy: a bottom-up analysis of policy networks and the international harmonisation of accessibility standards for information and communication technology
(International Review of Law, Computers & Technology;29(2-3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-16)This article seeks to examine how public procurement policies for information and communication technology (ICT), aimed at improving the accessibility of ICT for persons with disabilities, have converged internationally. ... -
Transnational mobility and social remittances. The case of Polish women in Norway and Poland
(Ethnologia Europaea;Volume 50 • Issue 1 • Re-enchantment, Ritualization, Heritage-making: Processes Reconfiguring Tradition in Europe, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-14)Research on skilled migrants often focuses on the negative effects of migration on sending countries. Discussions of positive results are limited to monetary remittances. Using ethnographic data, we explore the impact of ... -
Transnational orientations in a global media landscape: Youth, media, war and conflict
(Conflict & Communication;13(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article reflects on the role of media in the re-imagination and reproduction (reconstruction) of Norwegian identities and communities with a particular focus on how young people within diasporas follow news on war and ... -
Transnational practices and local lives. Quran courses via Skype in Norwegian-Pakistani families
(Identities;22(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-30)With the emergence of an adult generation of descendants of migrants who are entering the labour market, marrying and having children, questions of transnationalism are made current in new ways. This article engages in the ... -
Transnational Regimes of Family Violence: When Violence Against Women Crosses Borders
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This chapter explores how gender-based family violence is not always limited to the nation state but can also be perpetrated, endured and facilitated transnationally. In research to date only some aspects of what is ... -
Transportanalyser i planleggingen - til hinder for bærekraftig byutvikling?
(NIBR-notat 2004:121, Notat, 2004)Last ned gratis Problemstillingen som belyses er om, og i tilfelle hvordan, bruken av transportanalyser i planleggingen er til hinder for en mer bærekraftig byutvikling. Vi har spesielt undersøkt om kvaliteter ved selve ... -
Transportarbeid i Norge
(AFI Rapport 2012:10, Report, 2012)I rapporten diskuterer seniorforskerne Bergene, Ann Cecilie og Anders Underthun, utfordringer knyttet til globalisering av transportsektoren og endringer i ansettelsesforholdene i kjølvannet av dette. -
Transportarbeid i Norge
(AFI Rapport 2012:10, Report, 2012)I rapporten diskuterer seniorforskerne Bergene, Ann Cecilie og Anders Underthun, utfordringer knyttet til globalisering av transportsektoren og endringer i ansettelsesforholdene i kjølvannet av dette. -
TRANSQLATION: TRANsformer-based SQL RecommendATION
(IEEE International Conference on Big Data;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2023)The exponential growth of data production emphasizes the importance of database management systems (DBMS) for managing vast amounts of data. However, the complexity of writing Structured Query Language (SQL) queries requires ... -
Transspråking som en ressurs i arbeid med tekst - Eventyrskriving i en mottaksklasse
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien tar for seg bruk transspråking gjennom eventyrskriving i en mottaksklasse. Transspråking er en pedagogisk ressurs hvor man benytter seg av hele sitt språklige og kulturelle repertoar, og frigjør seg fra en ... -
Transspråklige praksiser i nordiske barnehager: en kunnskapsoversikt
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)De siste årene har begrepet transspråking vært i forskningens søkelys, og forskere har både utviklet dette begrepet teoretisk og undersøkt det empirisk i ulike utdanningskontekster. Likevel er det behov for mer kunnskap ... -
Trassig tillit?
(Oppdragsrapport7-2006, Report, 2006)Dette notatet er laget på oppdrag av Forbrukerrådet, som også har deltatt aktivt i problem-formuleringsfasen og utvelging av hvilke spørsmål som er tatt med i spørreskjemaet. Temaet for utredningen er hvordan e. coli-saken ... -
Traumatic brain injury-needs and treatment options in the chronic phase: Study protocol for a randomized controlled community-based intervention
(Trials;21, Article number: 294 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-27)Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often associated with life-long medical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes. Although long-lasting disabilities are expected, research on effective treatment options ...