Now showing items 11695-11714 of 17493

    • Organizational identity construal through design process 

      Pavel, Nenad; Stoltenberg, Einar (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015)
      Due to rapid changes in technologies and the market, institutions are not only changing their activities, but also their physical environment. Leadership tends to lead organizations by means of its structure and activities. ...
    • Organizational resilience in the oil and gas industry: A scoping review 

      Bento, Fabio; Mercado, Marina Prado; Garotti, Luciano (Safety Science;Volume 133, January 2021, 105036, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-20)
      Resilience derives from the study of socio-ecological systems and refers to the dynamical capacity to adapt to internal and external perturbations by changing its mode of operation without losing its ability to perform. ...
    • Organizational Silos: A Scoping Review Informed by a Behavioral Perspective on Systems and Networks 

      Tagliabue, Marco; Lorenzo, Flora (Societies;Volume 10, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-24)
      In recent years, several organizations have implemented interventions aimed at integrating work processes and bridging network clusters. These are often permeated by different assumptions regarding clusters in organizational ...
    • Organizational Supports for Practice Research: Illustrations from an International Practice Research Collaborative 

      Austin, Michael J.; McBeath, Bowen; Bin, Xu; Muurinen, Heidi; Natland, Sidsel; Roose, Rudi (Research on social work practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Organizational support represents a critical driver of practice research projects. This analysis includes four international examples of such support (Norway, Finland, Belgium, and USA and China). The four studies capture ...
    • Organizing capacities and union priorities in the hotel sector in Oslo, Dublin, and Toronto 

      Bergene, Ann Cecilie; Jordhus-Lier, David Christoffer; Underthun, Anders (Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;4(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In this article, we draw international comparisons between industrial relations regimes in the hotel sector and compare relevant trade union experiences in the selected metropolitan areas of Oslo, Dublin, and Toronto. ...
    • Organizing municipal audit: Contracting out and audit costs in Norway 

      Johnsen, Åge (International Journal of Public Sector Management;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-02)
      This paper analyses the deregulation of the municipal audit market in Norway, in particular how organization of the service affected audit costs. The paper uses multiple regression analysis of administrative as well as ...
    • Orphans in Russia 

      Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Kristofersen, Lars B.; Myrvold, Trine (NIBR-rapport 2003:01, Report, 2003)
      What are the feasible alternatives to traditional orphanages in Russia? This report from a pilot study presents the Russian policies that aim at providing orphans with a family-like upbringing. Policies consist in preventive ...
    • Orthostatic responses in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome: Contributions from expectancies as well as gravity 

      Wyller, Vegard Bruun; Fagermoen, Frode Even; Sulheim, Dag; Winger, Anette; Skovlund, Eva; Saul, J. Philip (BioPsychoSocial medicine;8(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-09-15)
      Background Orthostatic intolerance is common in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and several studies have documented an abnormal sympathetic predominance in the autonomic cardiovascular response to gravitational stimuli. ...
    • Osama bin Laden - demonen og helten 

      Nilsen, Anne B Sølvberg (Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Historiene som kan fortelles om al-Qaidas første leder, Osama bin Laden, er nær knyttet til de ulike medienes fremstillinger, og selv etter hans død lever bin Ladens motstridende medie-image videre. I dagene etter at han ...
    • Oslo 2013 – Design Learning for Tomorrow Reflections on the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete (Proceedings of the DRS LEARN X DESIGN 2021, 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers;Volume 1, Conference object, 2021-12-27)
      The 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers was arranged 14-17th of May 2013 at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (now Oslo Metropolitan University). The thematic focus was ...
    • OSLO 2019: A Car-free City Centre 

      Rydningen, Ulf; Høynes, Rebecca Celine; Kolltveit, Lars Wisth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In June 2016, a climate and energy strategy for Oslo was enacted by the city council. The overall climate targets adopted for Oslo 2030–2050 were to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% (2030) and to zero in 2050. To ...
    • Oslo Krisesenters prosjekt for voldsutsatte kvinner i fengsel 

      Dullum, Jane (NOVA Notat 4/17, Notat, 2017)
      Notatet presenterer erfaringene fra et prosjekt Oslo Krisesenter – i samarbeid med Bredtveit fengsel – har drevet for kvinner i fengsel som er utsatt for vold i nære relasjoner. Prosjektet startet i 2004, og det har hatt ...
    • Oslo Krisesenters prosjekt for voldsutsatte kvinner i fengsel 

      Dullum, Jane Vibeke (NOVA Notat 4/17, Notat, 2017)
      Notatet presenterer erfaringene fra et prosjekt Oslo Krisesenter – i samarbeid med Bredtveit fengsel – har drevet for kvinner i fengsel som er utsatt for vold i nære relasjoner. Prosjektet startet i 2004, og det har hatt ...
    • The Oslo Museum Puzzle : reflections on the relation between culture and economy 

      Skrede, Joar (FORMakademisk;4 (1), Academic article, 2011)
      The decision has been made to relocate several cultural institutions in Oslo, without any existing plans for the old premises. In this article, the supportive arguments are analysed against the backdrop of the critical ...
    • Oslo Sør-satsingen 2007-2017 

      Ruud, Marit Ekne; Vestby, Guri Mette (NIBR-rapport 2018:9, Report, 2018)
      Rapporten belyser og vurderer styringsmodellen og arbeidsmetoden som ble brukt i Oslo Sør-satsingen i Bydel Søndre Nordstrand i årene 2007 til 2017, samt belyser i hvilken grad satsingen har lykkes i å legge til rette for ...
    • Oslo-ungdom i koronatiden. En studie av ungdom under covid-19-pandemien 

      Bakken, Anders; Pedersen, Willy; von Soest, Tilmann; Sletten, Mira Aaboen (2020;12, Research report, 2020)
      Rapporten oppsummerer hovedfunnene fra undersøkelsen «Oslo-ungdom i koronatiden». Den kartlegger ungdoms hverdagsliv mens covid-19-pandemien preget landet på det mest intense våren 2020. Undersøkelsen belyser hvordan ungdom ...
    • Osloregionen - mangfold, innovasjon og utvikling 

      Onsager, Knut; Gundersen, Frants; Sørlie, Kjetil (NIBR-rapport 2010:12, Report, 2010)
      Rapporten belyser Osloregionens egenskaper, styrker og svakheter, som kompetanse-, innovasjons- og utviklingsregion. Avslutningsvis omtales noen utfordringer fremover. Tilknyttet prosjekt Regionale fortrinn, utviklingstrekk ...
    • Osloregionen - utvikling og samarbeid mot 2030 

      Onsager, Knut; Eika, Anders; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Tønnesen, Marianne (NIBR-rapport;2021:17, Research report, 2021-10)
      Sammendrag: Rapporten belyser først noen sentrale strukturer og utviklingstrekk i Osloregionen de senere årene samt noen betingelser, antatte drivere og utfordringer fram mot 2030. I andre del belyses Osloregionen ...
    • Osloungdom og rusmiddelbruk 

      Storvoll, Elisabet E.; Krange, Olve (NOVA Rapport 26/03, Report, 2003)
      Rapporten beskriver bruken av ulike rusmidler blant Osloungdom og ser på potensialet for å forebygge problematisk rusmiddelbruk. Datamaterialet omfatter 1025 Osloungdommer i aldersspennet 13-19 år som deltok i den ...
    • Osloungdom og rusmiddelbruk 

      Storvoll, Elisabet E.; Krange, Olve (NOVA Rapport 26/03, Research report, 2003)
      Rapporten beskriver bruken av ulike rusmidler blant Osloungdom og ser på potensialet for å forebygge problematisk rusmiddelbruk. Datamaterialet omfatter 1025 Osloungdommer i aldersspennet 13-19 år som deltok i den ...