Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Bonsaksen, Tore"
A 1-year follow-up study exploring the associations between perception of Illness and health-related quality of life in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bonsaksen, Tore; Haukeland-Parker, Stacey; Lerdal, Anners; Fagermoen, May Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-12-19)Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive respiratory disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide. Its potential consequences, including reduced function and reduced social participation, are likely ... -
Age, gender, and approaches to studying predict academic performance among Norwegian occupational therapy students
Bonsaksen, Tore (Ergoterapeuten;Ergoterapeuten 2–2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Students' academic outcomes may be a result of several factors including the students' personal characteristics, their study behaviors, and characteristics of the learning environment. This study examined ... -
Aktivitetsbasert praksis i spesialisthelsetjenesten
Aas, Maren Høgblad (Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: I spesialisthelsetjenesten er det en spenning mellom en medisinsk forståelsesmodell og aktivitetsbasert praksis. Tidligere forskning viser at ergoterapeuter verdsetter aktivitetsbasert praksis, men at de bruker ... -
Aktivitetsbasert praksis i spesialisthelsetjenesten
Aas, Maren Høgblad (Master thesis, 2021-05)Bakgrunn: I spesialisthelsetjenesten er det en spenning mellom en medisinsk forståelsesmodell og aktivitetsbasert praksis. Tidligere forskning viser at ergoterapeuter verdsetter aktivitetsbasert praksis, men at de bruker ... -
Approaches to studying predict academic performance in undergraduate occupational therapy students: a cross-cultural study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Brown, Ted; Lim, Hua Beng; Fong, Kenneth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Learning outcomes may be a result of several factors including the learning environment, students’ predispositions, study efforts, cultural factors and approaches towards studying. This study examined the ... -
Approaches to studying – associations with learning conceptions and preferences for teaching
Carstensen, Tove; Ødegaard, Nina Bjerketveit; Bonsaksen, Tore (Cogent Education;(2018), 5: 1480909, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-30)Abstract: Background: Research into occupational therapy students’ approaches to studying is growing, and research has shown approaches to studying to be associated with academic performance. However, learning conceptions ... -
Approaches to studying: A cross-sectional comparison of occupational therapy students in six education programs in Norway
Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Mørk, Gry; Stigen, Linda; Bonsaksen, Tore (The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy;8(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-15)Students’ approaches to studying have been associated with their academic performance. Although previous research suggests that the cultural and educational context may influence approaches to studying, few studies have ... -
Are Demanding Job Situations Associated with Alcohol-Related Presenteeism? WIRUS-Screening Study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Hesse, Morten; Aas, Randi Wågø (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;volume 18, issue 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-07)Alcohol-related presenteeism (impaired work performance caused by alcohol use) is an important but under-researched topic. The aim of this study was to explore whether psychosocial work environment factors were associated ... -
Are individual student characteristics and -performance associated with group-level functioning in educational groups? An exploratory study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Donohue, Mary V. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background : The recently developed Social Profile assessment allows for classifying a group’s interaction behaviors within five levels. However, empirical associations between the levels, and factors related to an ... -
Association between alcohol consumption and impaired work performance (presenteeism): A systematic review
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus; Bonsaksen, Tore; Hashemi, Neda; Kjeken, Ingvild; Mechelen, Willem van; Aas, Randi Wågø (BMJ Open;2019; 9:e029184, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-16)Objectives: The aim of this review was to explore the notion of alcohol-related presenteeism; that is, whether evidence in the research literature supports an association between employee alcohol consumption and impaired ... -
Associations Between Demographic Variables, Psychosocial Health, Quality of Life, and Happiness in the Context of COVID-19
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Leung, Janni; Price, Daicia; Kabelenga, Isaac; Lamph, Gary; Thygesen, Hilde; Ruffolo, Mary; Bonsaksen, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose The purpose was to examine the association between demographic vari- ables, psychosocial health, quality of life, and happiness in the context of COVID. The hypothesis was that psychosocial health variables have ... -
Associations between learning environment factors and student satisfaction among occupational therapy students
Thygesen, Hilde; Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Stigen, Linda; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Bonsaksen, Tore (Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-20)Purpose: Student satisfaction is an important indicator of educational quality in higher education institutions. Learning environment factors are assumed to play a role in determining student satisfaction. The purpose of ... -
Associations between learning environment variables and students’ approaches to studying: a cross-sectional study
Mørk, Gry; Magne, Trine A; Carstensen, Tove; Stigen, Linda; Åsli, Lene Angel; Gramstad, Astrid; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Bonsaksen, Tore (BMC Medical Education;20, Article number: 120 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-20)Background: Aspects of the learning environment may be related to students` approaches to studying, but few studies have investigated these relationships in the context of occupational therapy education. Objective: To ... -
Associations between occupational therapy students’ academic performance and their study approaches and perceptions of the learning environment
Bonsaksen, Tore; Magne, Trine A; Stigen, Linda; Gramstad, Astrid; Åsli, Lene Angel; Mørk, Gry; Johnson, Susanne Grødem; Carstensen, Tove (BMC Medical Education;21, Article number: 496 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-18)Background: Relationships between students’ academic performance and their employed study approaches have been studied extensively. However, research using study approaches and learning environment factors as concurrent ... -
Associations Between Occupational Therapy Students’ Approaches to Studying and Their Academic Grade Results: A Cross-Sectional and Cross-Cultural Study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Brown, Ted; Lim, Hua Beng; Fong, Kenneth; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova (Journal of Occupational Therapy Education;Volume 4, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-16)Students’ approaches to studying are generally viewed as essential for their learning outcomes and are often described as being either deep, strategic or surface. However, research on associations between study approaches ... -
Associations between self-esteem, general self-efficacy and approaches to studying in occupational therapy students: A cross-sectional study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Sadeghi, Talieh; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aim of this study was to explore associations between self-esteem, general self-efficacy, and the deep, strategic, and surface approaches to studying. Norwegian occupational therapy students (n = 125) completed ... -
Changes during hospital treatment in patients with SMI
Bonsaksen, Tore (British Journal of Mental Health Nursing;2(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with low levels of functioning, severe symptomatology, and low levels of physical activity and quality of life. This study explores changes in these variables during hospital ... -
Changes in Psychological Distress in Five Groups of Welfare State Service Workers over a Nine-Year Period
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Nerdrum, Per; Høglend, Per Andreas; Bonsaksen, Tore (Healthcare;Volume 10 / Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-22)Health and social care workers are exposed to varying degrees of stress in their work, which may be reflected in their trajectories of psychological distress during the education program and the first years in the job. The ... -
Characteristics of community-based occupational therapy: Results of a Norwegian survey
Bonsaksen, Tore; Dolva, Anne-Stine; Horghagen, Sissel; Sveen, Unni; Hagby, Cathrine; Arntzen, Cathrine (Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy;Volume 27, 2020 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-27)Background: Ongoing changes in healthcare delivery systems in Norway increasingly require community-based services, and the changes will likely affect the working conditions and opportunities for occupational therapists. Aim: ... -
Characteristics of Norwegian clubhouse members and factors associated with their participation in work and education
Bonsaksen, Tore; Fouad, Maria; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie; Nordli, Hege; Fekete, Orsolya Reka; Stimo, Torhild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-04-13)Introduction: People with mental illness, in particular those with psychosis, have more problems related to getting and keeping a job than people in the general population. Clubhouses for people with mental illness are ...