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dc.contributor.authorHydle, Ida
dc.description.abstractThe Norwegian Parliament, upon deciding the establishment of the youth prisons, also demanded a research-based evaluation of the first unit in Bergen, on the work and collaboration of the professionals and of the implementations of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The purpose of the project, according to the assignment, is: 1. to give the Ministries a decision basis for possible continuation of the unit and of a new planned unit with interdisciplinary team in the Oslo area, during and after the trial period. In addition, it will provide a knowledge base for legal and administrative changes in the various support systems for youth in prison or probation (health and social care, child protection and education) needed for the implementation of the UN convention. 2. to give advice and supervision concerning the operation of services during the project period, seen on the background of the present laws and regulations concerning children’s rights of protection, education and health and social care services. The investigations in this reporting period show deficits in the overviews concerning the number of imprisoned juveniles. Our first report had a preliminary overview, based upon numbers from 2013. This is corrected, also on a preliminary basis, in this second report. Qualitative and quantitative data from fieldwork in the youth prison, from structured questionnaires and conversations with inmates and prison and youth care professionals, both in the youth prison and in other prisons, answer questions concerning the fullfillment of the UN convention of the Rights of the Child. The following is described in this report: - the youth prison in Bjørgvin until February 2015, the work with the new prison and the process of moving from the old building to the new - the prisoners experiences both with the Bjørgvin youth prison and with other prisons - the challenges with registering of the young prisoners in the correctional services statistics system - the experiences of the prison personnel with the youth prison and the interdisciplinary team, both in Bjørgvin and in other prisons in Norway.en
dc.description.abstractDette er den andre av tre evalueringsrapporter til Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet fra prøveprosjektet med ungdomsenheten og det tverretatlige teamet ved Bjørgvin fengsel. Det ble igangsatt av fire departementer i september 2009 med hovedhensikt å implementere FNs barnekonvensjon. Denne delrapporten viser at det er mangelfulle oversikter vedrørende antall innsatte ungdommer på grunn avlite tilfredsstillende statistikksystemer. Koordineringen av tiltak både før og etter fengselsoppholdet er mangelfullt på grunn av budsjettmessige, organisatoriske og faglige barrierer. Ungdomsenheten bør bygges ut med to plasser. Det trengs mer kunnskap om ungdom generelt i kriminalomsorgen.no_NB
dc.publisherOslo Metropolitan University - OsloMet: NOVA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNOVA Rapport 11/15
dc.subjectNOVA--Youth--Children child welfare
dc.titleEvaluering av prøveprosjektet med ungdomsenheten og det tverretatlige teamet ved Bjørgvin fengsel. Delrapport 2no_NB

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