Now showing items 103-122 of 139

    • Reading radical environmental justice through a political ecology lens 

      Svarstad, Hanne; Benjaminsen, Tor A (Geoforum;Volume 108, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-29)
      Environmental justice (EJ) and political ecology (PE) have grown during recent decades to become leading critical approaches to socio-environmental analyses. The two fields share a history of pluralism and an openness to ...
    • Reading skills for sight translation in public-sector services 

      Nilsen, Anne Birgitta; Monsrud, May-Britt (Translation & Interpreting;7(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Interpreters in public-sector services in Norway report that they sight translate almost every day; a mode of translation that requires well-developed reading skills. Nevertheless, in interpreter training programs and ...
    • Realizations and functions of impoliteness in discourse about language and identity in Croatian and Montenegrin media 

      Saric, Ljiljana; Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This chapter addresses realizations of impoliteness in written discourse thematizing language and identity in Croatian and Montenegrin media (online and print newspapers, and internet forums) in 2010 and 2011. The main ...
    • Recognising Recognition in Climate Justice 

      Benjaminsen, Tor A; Svarstad, Hanne; Shaw of Tordarroch, Iselin (IDS Bulletin;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-28)
      We argue that in order to achieve climate justice, recognition needs to be given more attention in climate research, discourse, and policies. Through the analysis of three examples, we identify formal and discursive ...
    • REDD og norsk klimakolonialisme i Tanzania 

      Benjaminsen, Tor A; Svarstad, Hanne (Internasjonal Politikk;Årgang 76, Nummer 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04)
      Finansiering av internasjonalt skogvern som klimatiltak (REDD) har det siste tiåret spilt en viktig rolle i Norges internasjonale profilering. Dette er et tiltak det i Norge har vært tverrpolitisk enighet om, og som ...
    • "Regner med at tolken har superevner". Refleksjoner rundt skjermtolkingens pas de trois 

      Skaaden, Hanne (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Cecilia Wadensjö (1992, 1998) describes the onsite interpreting of dialogues as a pas de trois. In this contribution I explore how interpreting students experience the ‘dance for three’ during video mediated interpreting ...
    • Religion, worldview, and values in an international class 

      Hoaas, Geir (Journal of the European Teacher Education Network;10(2015), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Students attending the international course, “Multicultural Identity in a Global World” (MCI), in Oslo, come from many different European countries, some also from Asia, Africa, Latin-America or the USA. They meet and ...
    • Repair receipts in Norwegian Sign Language multiperson conversation 

      Skedsmo, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper describes practices for repair receipt in sequences of other-initiation of self- repair in informal Norwegian Signed Language multiperson conversation. Its main foci are how signers mark their (now-)understanding ...
    • Repair receipts in Norwegian Sign Language multiperson conversation 

      Skedsmo, Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper describes practices for repair receipt in sequences of other-initiation of self-repair in informal Norwegian Signed Language multiperson conversation. Its main foci are how signers mark their (now-)understanding ...
    • Reparasjonssekvenser i tolkede samtaler 

      Svennevig, Jan; Hansen, Jessica Pedersen Belisle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Denne studien utforsker reparasjonssekvenser i skjermtolkede sykehussamtaler, altså tilfeller der helsepersonell og pasient ikke snakker samme språk, og tolk- ingen foregår via videoteknologi. Artikkelen tar opp tilfeller ...
    • Rethinking Education for All 

      Carm, Ellen (Sustainability;5 (8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-13)
      The rational for this paper is contextualized within a broader national and international agenda of reaching Education for All (EFA), knowledge transformation and production with an overall focus on Education for Sustainable ...
    • The role of education in Sudan’s civil war 

      Breidlid, Anders (Prospects;43 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article addresses the role that education plays in conflict, with specific reference to the civil war in Sudan. It analyses the ideological basis of the Sudanese government (GoS) during the civil war, with special ...
    • Småbønders økonomiske bærekraft og matsikkerhet - Feltarbeidsrapport fra Volta-regionen, Ghana 

      Håheim, Kari B.; Magnussen, Helene R.; Løvold, Maren Sofie A. (Student paper, others, 2017)
      Jordbruk har alltid vært et av de viktigste livsgrunnlagene for jordens befolkning, først og fremst for å produsere mat, men i senere tid også i form av sysselsetting og tilhørende industri. Det siste århundret har jordbruket ...
    • SoGo Survey, una herramienta online de recogida de datos adecuada para el trabajo de campo 

      Abad Colom, Maria (Conference object, 2018)
      Las encuestas en papel están quedando obsoletas en investigación doctoral, y se impone el uso de un medio electrónico que permita recoger datos de manera sencilla, precisa, y sobre todo rápida. La aplicación SoGo Survey ...
    • South African Science Teachers’ Strategies for Integrating  Indigenous and Western Knowledges in Their Classes: Practical  Lessons in Decolonisation 

      Seehawer, Maren (Educational Research for Social Change;Volume: 7 Special Issue June 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06)
      Framed within the broader discourse on decolonising African education, this article aims to contribute to the project of integrating indigenous and Western knowledges in southern African education. Following a participatory ...
    • Stillelesing i norskfaget – pustepause for læreren eller veiledningsøkt i lesing? 

      Svanes, Ingvill Krogstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Denne studien undersøker hva fire lærere på barnetrinnet gjør når elevene leser stille. Stillelesing er en vanlig aktivitet i norske klasserom, men kunnskapen om hva læreren gjør i denne tiden og hvordan hun veileder faglig, ...
    • Students' reflections on shadowing interprofessional teamwork : a Norwegian case study 

      Fougner, Marit; Horntvedt, Tone (Journal of Interprofessional Care;25 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-01)
      This article reports the students’ reflections on interprofessional teamwork during brief exposures to real-life experiences in hospitals or home-based rehabilitation service. Each of the 10 interprofessional groups, ...
    • Sudanese Images of the Other : Education and Conflict in Sudan 

      Breidlid, Anders (Comparative Education Review;54 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-11)
    • Sugar dating: Unge kvinners dilemmaer i Otjiwarango, Namibia 

      Fazlinovic, Elma; Vestergaard, Mai-Britt; Guttormsen, Mari Robstad; Løken, Veronica (Student paper, others, 2017)
      At påbegynde et projekt der omhandler et intimt felt, såsom sugar dating, kræver at man gør sig store overvejelser om hvilken indgangsvinkel man vil tage. Hver gang man gør sig et valg gør man samtidig massevis af fravalg. ...
    • Teachers’ use of open questions: investigating the various functions of open questions as a mediating tool in early literacy education 

      Svanes, Ingvill Krogstad; Andersson-Bakken, Emilia (Education Inquiry;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-22)
      This study identifies the various functions of open questions in whole-class teaching in language arts classrooms in primary school, and it explores how these questions may work as a mediating tool. Open questions are ...