Now showing items 2224-2243 of 3248

    • Organisering av grønne leveranseprosjekter Casestudie av Johan Castberg og Northern Lights 

      Epland, Jostein Straume; Jahnson, Tim Sebastian Henriksen (Master thesis, 2023)
      The society is dependent on rapid adjustment so that growth and development take place in line with the energy transition (Klima- og miljødepartementet, 2021). This study discusses two modern delivery projects by Aker ...
    • Organisering og tverretatlig samarbeid: En komparativ studie av spesialpedagogiske tjenesteavdelinger i Oslo-bydelene Grorud og Nordre Aker 

      Dib Valero, Daniel Enrique (Master thesis, 2023)
      Offentlig sektor i Norge er av avgjørende betydning for samfunnet. Den avhenger av effektiv organisering og tverretatlig samarbeid for å levere kvalitetstjenester. Organisering og samarbeid er avgjørende fordi dette påvirker ...

      Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study addresses the development of new integrated product–service systems (PSSs). Most empirical research on the organisation of development processes has focussed on new product development, new service development, ...
    • Organising domestic workers : for decent work and the ILO Convention No. 189 

      Johnstone, Leah (Master thesis, 2012)
      Domestic work is the largest sector of female employment world-wide, yet it is extremely undervalued and unprotected by labour law. Exasperating this situation, the estimated one hundred million domestic workers world-wide ...
    • Organizational and occupational innovation when implementing a Covid-19 live tracker in VG newsroom 

      Konow Lund, Maria; Mtchedlidze, Junai; Barland, Jens (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Academic research on whether and how innovation during crises results in durable changes in practice remains scant. The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it new opportunities to look at both innovation and transformations in ...
    • Organizational and Regulatory Risks of Distributed Digital Preservation 

      Piñeiro, Eva Montenegro (Master thesis, 2014)
      The main aim of this study is to investigate the major organizational and regulatory risks in the context of distributed digital preservation in libraries and archives in particular, which will be referred to as memory ...
    • Organizing municipal audit: Contracting out and audit costs in Norway 

      Johnsen, Åge (International Journal of Public Sector Management;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-02)
      This paper analyses the deregulation of the municipal audit market in Norway, in particular how organization of the service affected audit costs. The paper uses multiple regression analysis of administrative as well as ...
    • OUC's participation in the 2009 INEX Book Track 

      Preminger, Michael; Nordlie, Ragnar; Pharo, Nils (Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;6203, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In this article we describe the Oslo University College's participation in the INEX 2009 Book track. This year's tasks have been featuring complex topics, containing aspects. These lend themselves to use in both the book ...
    • OUC's participation in the 2010 INEX Book Track 

      Preminger, Michael; Nordlie, Ragnar (Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Lecture notes in artificial intelligence;6932, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In this article we describe the Oslo University College’s participation in the INEX 2010 Book track. The OUC has submitted retrieval results for the “prove it” task with traditional relevance detection combined with some ...
    • OUC's Participation in the 2011 INEX Book Track 

      Preminger, Michael; Nordlie, Ragnar (Lecture Notes in Computer Science = Focused Retrieval of Content and Structure;7424, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      In this article we describe the Oslo University College’s participation in the INEX 2011 Book track. In 2010, the OUC submitted retrieval results for the “Prove It” task with traditional relevance detection combined with ...
    • Out of home care in Norway and Sweden - similar and different 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Höjer, Ingrid; Sjöblom, Yvonne; Storø, Jan (Psychosocial Intervention/Intervencion Psicosocia;22(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      An overview of the current situation in the out-of-home care in Norway and Sweden is presented in this article; also the development in later years is described and discussed. Socially, politically and culturally there ...
    • Out-of-Home Placements and Notions of Family in Norway and in France 

      Picot, Aurélie (Sosiologi i dag;42 (3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Comparative welfare state research has shown that French and Nordic welfare systems provide similar high levels of support legislated for families, but differ in their treatments of the family unit. This article explores ...
    • An outdated monetary action rule. How sensitive is the Norwegian economy to fluctuations in the oil fund and how to change the current monetary action rule 

      Cownley, Padro Martin; Åsvang, Helene (Master thesis, 2022)
      In this master’s thesis, we have analyzed how dependent the Norwegian economy has become on the oil fund and its sensitivity to the size of its withdrawals. The government uses withdrawals to cover the yearly oil-adjusted ...
    • Overgangsrite - Traumebevisst omsorg med asylsøkerbarn- og ungdom 

      Åfløy, Kristian Stålesen (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Oppgaven tar for seg asylsøkerbarn- og ungdoms møte med det norske mottakssystemet. Gjennomgående tema er hvordan man kan møte barna med et traumebevisst perspektiv og med traumebevisst omsorg. I oppgaven legges det frem ...
    • Overordnet virksomhetsstyring i store kommuner: Hardt mot hardt og mykt mot mykt? 

      Torgersen, Per; Aanensen, Ketil Wendelbo (Master thesis, 2019)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å se nærmere på om det særegne ved innholdet i tjenesteleveringen i den enkelte virksomhet er egnet som en forklaring på systematiske ulikheter i virksomhetsstyringen. Sentralt for oss står ...
    • Oversetting, demping og filtrering av tillitsreformen i Oslo kommune. En studie i to sektorer. 

      Dyrhol, Vibeke Vennemo (Master thesis, 2018)
      Denne masteroppgaven omhandler tillitsreformen i Oslo kommune, henholdsvis i utdanningssektoren og den bydelsbaserte hjemmetjenesten. Tillitsreformen kan sees som et forsøk på å nedtone et omfattende outputorientert st ...
    • Overview of the CHIIR 2019Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use (BIIRRR 2019) 

      Bogers, Toine; Dodson, Samuel; Freund, Luanne; Gäde, Maria; Hall, Mark; Koolen, Marijn; Petras, Vivien; Pharo, Nils; Skov, Mette (CEUR Workshop Proceedings;Vol-2337 Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-24)
      This paper presents an overview of the BIIRRR 2019 workshop at CHIIR 2019, which had the explicit aim of understanding and promoting re-use of resources for interactive IR experimentation.
    • Overview of the INEX 2008 Interactive Track 

      Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      This paper presents the organization of the INEX 2008 interactive track. In this year’s iTrack we aimed at exploring the value of element retrieval for two different task types, fact-finding and research tasks. Two research ...
    • Overview of the INEX 2009 Interactive Track 

      Pharo, Nils; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fuhr, Norbert; Beckers, Thomas; Fachry, Khairun Nisa (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;6203, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      In the paper we present the organization of the INEX 2009 interactive track. For the 2009 experiments the iTrack has gathered data on user search behavior in a collection consisting of book metadata taken from the online ...
    • Overview of the INEX 2010 Interactive Track 

      Pharo, Nils; Beckers, Thomas; Nordlie, Ragnar; Fuhr, Norbert (Lecture Notes in Computer Science;6932, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In the paper we present the organization of the INEX 2010 interactive track. For the 2010 experiments the iTrack has gathered data on user search behavior in a collection consisting of book metadata taken from the online ...